
Monday, August 10, 2009

Going Deeper Still!

I started this post last week.....and worked on it again and again.....FINALLY! I have finished and want to share with you my weekend Going Deeper Still!
WOW. What a wonderfully hard weekend it was. I don't think that it is any secret to you ladies that I have anxiety issues which are exasperated by some health issues. See, I have these Esophageal Spasms and the symptoms of them are pretty much the same 'feelings' that a heart attack would give you. Ironically, I haven't had them very badly since before I got pregnant with B. I am here to tell you that the Devil DID NOT want me to get much out of the weekend. My anxiety was high and my esophagus took the brunt of the abuse from it. But I fought through and thoroughly enjoyed myself and heard a LOT of things God had to say to me.

Now, I've been to a lot of Women's Events and I want to stop and say right now that this is one of the best! I love that they turn the lights up some so that we could take notes during the sessions......gave us the space to take notes, too!

Kay Arthur spoke on Friday night. She spoke of Hebrew.....a lot of Hebrews-- Chapters 1 - 13! That was a lot to take in. She had a lot to say and I took 3 pages of are the highlights I took from Ms. Kay.

*"Rest is the activity of faith for today....this moment. Enter into rest by uniting His Word with faith." Marry the Word of God with Faith - BELIEVE!*
*"Faith sometimes does miracles, but sometimes God has another purpose....TRUST anyway. There is a better resurrection for those who remain faithful."*

*Fix my eyes on Jesus.

*Live by His Word.

*Read His Word -- not just doing bible studies but reading HIS word and waiting to hear from HIM on it.....this is big for me. I can easily make my bible studies my time of reading the Word each day......

*Run the race with endurance."

I just need to take a moment and stop right here to tell ya'll that the hotel we stayed in was AWESOME!!!! It was the Wyndham Garden Hotel and just take a look at this room. I got to sleep in that HUGE comfy bed all by myself! =)

Now- back to the event. On Saturday, Priscilla Shirer was up first. I had never heard her before and let me just tell you that she was great!!!! She spoke on Ephesians 3:20-21, "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever."
Priscilla broke it down for us and I don't think I will ever forget it, now. Here's a little of what she said....
Now -- right now! (a specific time)
unto Him - shifts our attention to God. Deliberately turning my attention from myself to God.
who is able to do -He doesn't have power, HE IS power!
Exceedingly, Abundantly,Above and Beyond - Immeasurably.....more than we can ever think of ---- -BEYOND THE BEYOND!!!! We often have nerve enough to box God in and try and limit His power.
to do more than ALL I ask----or think! God cares about the big things and the little things in our lives....every aspect of our lives.
According to the power that is at work within you -- His power doesn't just live in us, it is working in us. It is possible for us to have the power but for us not to take advantage of it.
After Priscilla spoke, it was lunch time. When we had finished our lunches, we decided to go out and check out the books that were for sale and look who we ran smack into.... that is Lisa, Wendy, PRISCILLA SHIRER, and me. =)
Then before Mrs. Beth spoke to us, we had some time of Praise and Worship. While Travis and the rest were singing a man was on stage, painting these frames.

The really cool thing is that the frames were out in the lobby and the ladies had written their prayer requests on them. He painted the other side of the frames.....HE is indeed a stream of living water!!!!
Then it was time for Mrs. Beth! She spoke for us on the Bread of His Presence in our lives. Here are some of the things I took from her talk.
*God's Presence in our lives is a FACT -- not a feeling!
*It's fellowship that stirs the feeling of divine presence. Living our lives flat out before HIM.
*Tarrying before God long enough to KNOW HE is with you -- this is not quiet time or petitioning HIM, it is listening/ conversing with HIM.
* Fellowship is not in depth bible study. However, fellowship can occur while doing an in depth bible study if you are dialogueing with HIM.
*Start living life openly in God's presence! Laugh with him. Engage in the pure joy of God's presence.
It was really a fabulous weekend and I learned so much from these ladies. I also got to spend time with some great friends that I don't get to see near often enough. Here is a picture of us....
Thanks for hanging on til the end of this LONG post!!!! If you've never been to the Deeper Still Event, you should definitely start checking for the time when you can go!
Have a fabulous Monday everyone!

in HIM -



  2. I'm so glad you had a good time! It sounds wonderful - and I can always use words to help me learn how to be closer to Him!

  3. Sounds life a fantastic and uplifting time!

  4. I'm so glad you had a great time!
    I'm a little envious that you met Priscilla S. She is one of my most favorite teachers!
    We're getting ready to start her new bible study, One in a Million. I can't wait!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. My BFF went to this and I am SO JEALOUS. Maybe Beth & Co. will travel down here sometime soon.
