
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family Supper

A couple of Friday's ago, hubs and I loaded the crew up in the van and drove to Georgia. We were going to town to help give a surprise party for my dad (more on that tomorrow). BUT, since my Mom and step dad were headed out of town and since we wouldn't get to see them over the 4th of July, so we celebrated with them.

It is rare for them to have all 5 of their kids together and it was quite fun to get to hang out with everyone. I am the only one among us who has children so they get spoiled rotten of course. My Mom fixed us a feast of pulled pork bbq, baked beans, and black bean salsa (YUM!). OH, and blueberry cobbler and homemade ice cream for dessert.

Some snapshots of our day.....anyone know why my pictures look so grainy?
B. loved Uncle Tim and Aunt Ginger's dog, Morgan.

Uncle Heath and B.

Uncle Tim loves to rough house with the girls. They love it!

Aunt Ginger and M.

While waiting on everyone to arrive, the kids played in the yard.

Uncle Tim taught A. to play Frisbee.....

And Daddy worked with the girls on playing softball.

Mr. B got his first taste of a Southern favorite. Anyone know what that is?

Yep! It's pickled okra and he loved it!

Grammy and Granddaddy also recently got chickens. The girls enjoyed getting to feed them.

Isn't this one a pretty little hen?

A cannot wait til the baby chicks hatch.....IF they hatch at all....

It was a great evening for all and a wonderful time to connect with family. Apparently I got no pictures of the kids with my step sisters.....I guess when they arrived we were all too busy eating the fabulous food.


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