
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let's see if I can finish today?

Can I do it? I will try to finish showing you pictures and stop talking about our vacation to Disney World.....So, let's get on with it.

On Thursday, we went to Animal Kingdom. M had been throwing up all night so she and B sat the morning out with me at the condo.

The rest went on without us.....They rode a few rides and saw characters from Winnie The Pooh. Since I wasn't there - there aren't many pictures....
And saw this show -- which I'm a bit jealous that I missed!
By lunch time, M was deemed well. She hadn't thrown up in a LONG time and she didn't have a fever (which, btw, is the only reason I wasn't freaking out and thinking that we had the swine flu) so we caught up with the family. We did the Kilimanjaro Safari ride. It is so much fun....LOOK how close this giraffe was to us.....I do not own a telephoto lens for my camera....He was REALLY that close!We also went over and did the Maharajah Jungle Trek. We saw lots of animals and birds....
This is A's favorite animal so she was so happy to see them. And even looking at this picture gives me the willies.....

On Friday morning, hubs and I succumbed to the pressure lovingly allowed our girls to go to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. They got their makeup, nails and hair done for an embarrassingly large sum of money. BUT IT WAS MAGICAL! really, it was.....

And then we were done. This pictures cracks me up. To say I have three girly girls is definitely an understatement!
Let me stop right here and say that Nana Lee Anne made these adorable pillowcase dresses for the girls to wear. I LOVE THEM!!!!!
But, alas - they weren't to wear them for very long because after the boutique, we met Granddaddy and Nana Lee Anne at the Grand Floridian. We thought we were meeting there so we could ride the monorail (A's wish) back to the Magic Kingdom, which was our destination for the rest of the day. But the grands had other plans for us. Remember M's broken wand conversation? The grands decided to grant her wish and everyone got outfitted with their own princess dress, shoes and sceptre. Thanks Granddaddy and Nana Lee Anne. See, M-- wishes do come true.
And then, back to the Kingdom we went. We rode all the rides again.....Big Thunder Mountain a couple more times!
We then stood in line for over an hour! (The only long line all week) to meet Tinkerbell and her fairy friends.

By that time, the park was closing and our vacation was drawing to an end. Here is how the three princesses ended their day....

On Saturday, we made the 12 hour trek home. It is kind of sad because I know that by the next time we go to Disney World, the girls won't care so much about the magic and the princesses.....I will cherish these pictures. However, next time, Mr. B will be big enough to love some of the boy stuff at Disney. Maybe he will be more into Buzz Lightyear.......guess we will wait and see.

Ya'll have a good weekend. I'm done!


  1. Oh Disney is sooo fun and overwhelming all at the same time! Looks like a great time!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique sounds crazy! I am amazed at their hair dos! SUPER beautiful Princesses you guys have ... big trouble for Ken one day!

  3. Sydney would lose her mind at that boutique! Libby Lu closed her and it devastated her. So glad the fam had such a wonderful vacation . We are working up our nerve to maybe hit Disney next summer. :))

    LOve you!


  4. Oh, I'm sooo jealous! You can tell you had a wonderful time! I'm so glad M got better and got to finish enjoying the trip, too. The girls looked beautiful (as usual)!


  5. Just looked through all your vacation photos...what a fun time! Believe it or not...I've never been to Disney world. My daughter never wanted to go...go figure. BUT, my little man does. We are really thinking about going too. How was the weather down there? Humid?

    Your family is precious.

  6. I loved looking at your vacation photos. You couldn't have picked a more perfect time for your girls to go to Disney. I know you will treasure these photos and your girls will treasure the memories!

    What a magical trip!!!

  7. My girls were older by the time we made it to Disney. I feel like they missed out on the magic part of it. But they THOROUGHLY enjoyed the rides!

    Your girls look gorgeous.
