
Friday, April 3, 2009

Weekend in Georgia

This past weekend the girls were out of school on Friday so we went to visit family in Georgia. We had a great time.

The kids and I drove over LAST Friday morning and met Grammy at the mall for some shopping. This may not sound exciting to most but considering the nearest mall to me is an hour way, I was very excited. I had a gift card to Belk and I got these pots and pans, and I got to go to this store, where I also had a gift card. Can I just say there is nothing better than shopping, actually getting stuff and spending NO money at all!!!

Then we went to supper with Na Na and Pa Pa to (where else?) Cracker Barrel. My girls think this is the only place to go eat when we are there. They get to have breakfast for supper. And I'm pleased as punch because I get to have grilled chicken tenderloins and hash brown casserole!!! Not to mention biscuits and sweet tea..... theres nothing this southern girls likes more. =)
And Na Na always does their nails.....they love their beautiful fingernails.....And I got my eyebrows done. They look great! Thanks Na Na!!!

On Saturday morning, we went to visit my grandparents and my cousin met us there with her two boys. I did take pictures there, but somehow I reformatted my memory card and lost all of those pictures.....BOO! The we went back to Grammy's house and had an Easter Egg Hunt or five.

Then I tried to get some posed shots of the kids.....These were the best we got.

That afternoon, we went to the IMAX and saw "Whales and Dolphins". The girls loved it. Thanks Grammy and Granddaddy!

Plus, these 3D glasses were HILARIOUS!!!

On Sunday, we went to church with Pa Pa and Na Na at my home church and stayed for the lunch they were having afterward. We saw lots of family and friends, the church is full of family. It was a wonderful weekend. It did make me miss my home and made me very nostalgic. As a child, I went to church every Sunday, then after church, we would change clothes and go to my Mom's parents house for lunch. My mom is one of six and all of my aunts and uncles and cousins came for lunch too. We spend lots of Sunday afternoons playing in my Granny and Pa's yard! We'd then go home for a while to rest and then we'd go to my Dad's parents house for supper....hamburgers every Sunday night. My dad is one of five and again -- all of my aunts, uncles and cousins would be there. We played croquet and hide and go seek, alot.

Going home to visit and going to my home church full of so much family and memories makes me very nostalgic! It also makes me long for my children to have the closeness I had with my family growing up. And it makes me a little sad that they don't get to have that. I thought I had a perfect life in New really was in a LOT of ways. The little community I grew up in was and still is fully of family and close friends. And I thought the world was a wonderful place and there were no problems. Going back is a reminder of that in a lot of ways.

We made the long haul home -- it is only 3 hours but it always seems much longer when I'm coming back-- on Sunday afternoon.

It was a wonderful weekend -- one that won't be forgotten soon and hopefully, in some small way, my kids got a glimpse of what life was like for me as a little girl.


  1. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time...and I have to say that I agree about shopping...nothing like it when you have a gift card!!!! Glad you are back safe and sound!

  2. Sorry I missed it! Hopefully, I'll be there with you next time!! Love you!
