
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Sundries

This post promises to be rather random so follow along if you will.....

First, let's talk about the weekend. On Saturday, Hubs and I loaded the 4 in the car and drove here to meet Natalie. She had agreed to meet us and take pictures of the kids for us. Go see the "sneak peek" she put up.....I knew that she took good pictures, but ya'll! These pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! And not just because it's my kids.... I cannot wait to see the rest!

And besides the pictures, I was so excited to be meeting a new blogging friend in real life. I think my husband got tired of hearing me say over and over last week how excited I was to be going to meet her. And, Natalie, she is absolutely precious! Not to mention that we found out that it is an incredibly small world and that her husband grew up not far from where I grew up.....and that we both know her in "real life". The fact that the world is so small never ceases to amaze me. I look forward to getting together with her again soon. And -- she is another "preacher's wife" and that thrills me beyond belief. Connecting with other pw's is something I hold dear. Here is a picture of she and I that we had my husband take of us.....isn't she so cute? I know I look tired, so just look at Natalie instead!!!

Second, I'd like to talk just a minute about the crazy weather around here.....Friday, it was cold outside -- like 50. (To some of ya'll I know that is not cold -- but here in NC, in April, it is cold to me), Saturday it was about 70. Today it was 79. We walked around downtown this afternoon....enjoying the weather. Here are a couple of pictures I took of today. The forecast for tomorrow is about 54......then tomorrow night and Tuesday -- they are calling for s.n.o.w. here. And highs around 40. Can you believe that? Snow in April in NC?!!? Then, by next weekend it's to be back in the 60's . Crazy weather!!!!!

Third, I'd like to brag just a minute on my hubs and tell ya'll that our Palm/Passion Service was awesome! He didn't "preach" today at all. It was a drama of sorts. He told the story of Jesus going to the cross with readings and songs. At the end of the drama, "Jesus" was nailed to the cross and we sang this was very emotional for me.

My hubs and the worship team did a wonderful job putting those services together! I loved both of the services I went to. I long for this holy week to be just that: a holy week of reflecting on all God did for me and all that leads up to Easter. What do ya'll have planned this week to help you really reflect on the meaning of this week?

Lastly, I have to do a devotion for the "Brunch with the Bunny" that we are having on Saturday at our church. I plan to do the Easter story in some way, of course, but I don't know what exactly to do any idea's for me?

Thanks for sticking with me through the randomness!


  1. I had the best time too! Your babies are PER-ESH-US!And're the cute one. It appears that I am eating my hair in that picture. Eeek! Ya'll take care!

  2. Hi Mindy!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my place today...and your kids are positively adorable! Love that photo of you and Natalie, too! Two very cute PW's!


  3. You two are beautiful! How cool that you got to meet in real life! It really is such a small world.

  4. I am cracking completely up that you two connected!!! Small world indeed!

    The pictures Natalie took are beautiful! And that chair? Wow! Who would ever think a chair in the woods could look so great? :)))

    Love you cousin!
