
Friday, April 17, 2009

Time Flies When Your Having Fun....

It's been a quiet few days around here with the girls at Nana's house. Quiet in the sense that there were no screaming girls....but we have been busy.

On Wednesday, hubs, B and I went shopping here. Hubs got a couple of pair of pants at the G*ap for $30....good deal for that store! And we got B snow boots for $3....that is right 3 bucks! Now that is a deal! Other than that all we bought was a new tshirt for Mr. B. We had to buy him a new shirt to wear because apparently, he got choked on something and threw it up in the car... Someone (not mentioning any names but it wasn't me) let him put that sticker in his mouth and of course, he choked. Odd thing though, neither of us hear him retching.....anywhoo....
Then had lunch here in this town. I don't eat a lot of burgers but I have to say that their red,white, and blue burger -- it Rocks! (Pun not intended but then hey, it works so -- intended.)
We came home for church and bible study. I just love my bible study group. We have so much fun discussing how we need to change how we parent. And God is providing us with new ways of doing things. I've learned so much!

Yesterday, I got to meet a dear friend for lunch. This lady is one of my spiritual mentors who is also a preacher's wife and we don't get to see each other often but I always have such a great day when I do get to see her and come up feeling so light! Thanks Kel! We need to get together more often, I feel like I have so much to discuss with you and so little time that I just ramble on forever and ever.....

Anyway - last night was our last FPU class at church. And Dave Ramsey was great. He talked all about giving and girls, let me tell ya -- he was on fi-ah! He was spot on with his reasons why we tithe and give and I have to say I felt like hollering "PREACH IT!" but I didn't.....I am a methodist and old habits die hard.....I was taught to keep quiet in 'church'. And yes, I know I wasn't' in church but he was giving such a great sermon on giving that I felt that it was church. =)

And today, hubs, B and I are headed to get my girls --- I can't wait to see them. I've missed them. We will spend the night with my inlaws and my mil and I are going here tomorrow....I CANNOT wait because I have 2 gift cards to use....yeah! Shopping without spending any money....we will then head home and stop at a dear friends (surprise!) 40th party.

It is going to be a great weekend. Hope yours is great,too!

OH, and just for memory's sake -- as I typed this Mr. B ( at 7 1/2 months) just pulled up at the coffee table..... Again, he won't crawl (he does this weird, jerky scoot on his knees to move a little but not a real crawl and he doesn't go far) but he pulled up and stood at the table just now.....


  1. Little B has little girls doing things he wishes he could do. He's having to pick up the pace. He may actually go from stand to run! Glad ya'll had a good time.
