
Monday, April 20, 2009

New Things Coming .....

I will be leading this study beginning in about a month at our church. I absolutely love Beth Moore's bible studies. There is always so much to learn and grow in. However, I in no way feel adequate to lead....

Here are some specific requests:

*That God would be in charge of it all.

*That HE would give me HIS words to say.

*The God would lead the ladies he wants to take this study to sign up.

*That HE would calm the fear and anxiety I'm already feeling about leading this study.

*That our study will bring HIM glory.

Second, I'm praying about and talking with some of the girls involved about beginning a Girls Group at our church. A kind of girls discipleship group. I feel like the world is rough for teenage girls these days and I long to be able to help guide them to God in some way. Will ya'll say a prayer about this, too? Specific prayer requests for this one:

*We have lots of girls in our church who *could* be involved. Please pray that God will give them the time and the 'want to' to be in such a group.

*Again, that the group will bring HIM glory and be what HE wants it to be.

I'm truly praying and struggling with both of these things. I feel like God is leading me to these things but I cannot explain to you how unequipped I feel to do either of them.
I do covet your prayers and I would LOVE your advice on either of these things if you have some for me!

If anyone from our church is reading this and you are interested in doing either one of these things, be on the lookout for the information. It will be coming very soon. I'm very excited about what God has planned. Let's all listen and see where we fit into that plan! I look forward to seeing your name on my list!!! =)

Have a great Monday girls! I'm off to begin my week.....and as usual right now -- it's a busy one.


  1. It may sound weird, but I truly think the best place to start is with feeling unequipped! It means we ALREADY know we need Him, right from the start of it. It seems to be the place where I'm able to step aside and let Him do what He intended. It's when I think I can handle it that I get into all sorts of messes ;)

  2. If you are feeling led, God will do the rest. All He needs is your willingness!

  3. How is your Bible Study going? Have you started? I am a PW too as you probably know from my blog, but I am wondering if that Beth Moore Bible Study might be a fit for our ladies. We are just finishing up Anointed, Transformed and Redeemed by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. It is really our first women's Bible Study and it has been very rewarding!! Eager to hear!
