
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Surrendering to the Hard Way

Last Sunday, hubs was preaching on when Jesus said "I thirst" from the cross.
He explained that Jesus was offered a drink twice before he said that made that statement.  The first time someone offered him wine mixed with myrrh or gall. Scholars believe that it was a friendly offer of a drink because myrrh or gall mixed with wine would have either made death come sooner for Jesus by poisoning him or it would have acted as a anesthetizing agent to help ease Jesus' pain.

And he said that Jesus refused this offer ( Mark 15:23).
The part that really got to me on Sunday was what followed.  That Jesus chose the hard way.  He chose to go through his crucifixion fully.  He chose not to drink the wine/gall that would poison him or the the wine/myrrh that would ease his physical pain.

Jesus said in Matthew, that if we want to follow him, we must take up our crosses and follow him.

There are some circumstances in my life right now. Circumstances over which I have no control. I've sort of been given the hard way. And  I can choose to take up my cross and follow HIM.  Choose NOT to take the easy way.

To choose as my Saviour did to take the hard way.  Choosing for me means laying it on the alter and simply trusting God with these circumstances.  It means choosing to praise instead of complain.  To seek His peace and comfort instead of wallowing in any sort of misery.

And that is just plain hard.

Some days I do an ok job at handing it over but other days ---- not so much.

Today has been one of those not so much kind of days.  ugh! fail!

But  i will just keep handing it over. Laying it back on the alter.  And learning to trust my Lord with it all.  Because I know HE is in control!!!!

SO, I'm again surrendering to the Hard Way.  I want to take the easy way but I'm choosing the hard way.  I will pick up my cross and follow HIM no matter what that may bring.

It's scary and hard.
It's not really what I want to choose.
But, it's what my Savior did for me.

And, who am I not to do the same?

in HIM-


  1. Hi Mindy I came here when Kelly did the pastors wife blog hop. I Am so happy I stopped by tonight. My cross has been heavy lately. I really appreciate this post.

  2. Bless your heart.

    All I can say is "ditto".

  3. O what a Mighty God we do serve! Hoping this day gets easier and better. God bless!
