
Friday, May 12, 2017

Alice In Wonderland

Bandy's High School did Alice In Wonderland as their production this year.  
I tried  unsuccessfully for a week to convince Allie to audition.  
However, she is taking Theater this semester, so when Ms. Sherrill asked her if she and her siblings wanted to be in the play as cards, she said yes. 
Lillie had too much happening this spring to be in the play and Brady said NO.
Maggie said yes, though -- so the two of them began practices a couple of months ago.

This past weekend, was show time!

We had several friends and church members in the play also.  
Scenes that  I captured during the play.

At one point Maggie was a shark.
This is my favorite shot. Her costume was so big that she looked like she had been eaten by the shark.


Painting the roses red!  

We had lots of family and friends who came to see the show.
These are Maggie's dance buddies. 

 Maggie and Chloe

Nana and Grandpap came on Friday night, but since I wasn't there so I didn't get a picture.

On Saturday, Granddaddy and Nana LeeAnne came.

As did Papa and NayNay. 

It was a great production and a great weekend for all.

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