
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

It's Mardi Gras!!!!

Image result for shrove tuesday 2017
Did you know that today is Shrove Tuesday?  

The Christian Season of Lent begins tomorrow, on Ash Wednesday.  Lent is the 40 days before Easter and is a time for Christians to focus on Jesus and some sort of fasting in order to grow closer to God.  And as a way to prepare for the coming Easter.  I will share more about Ash Wednesday and Lent tomorrow.  

Now, for the significance of today...... The day before Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday.  It's also called Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday as well as Pancake Tuesday.  A long time ago,  people were encouraged not to eat fats, butter and eggs during the season of Lent.  In order to use up all of those items, people who made pancakes and indulge in sweets and celebration on this day.    

We won't be eating pancakes for supper here tonight. But we will be eating them tomorrow night at church in celebration of Shrove Tuesday before our Ash Wednesday Service at church.

Will you be eating pancakes and preparing to fast for Lent tonight?  Or will you, like my family, be doing both tomorrow?

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