
Saturday, January 7, 2017

January Snow Day

 Around here, the mention of snow is cause for celebration and caution. 
Sometimes, when we get the prediction of snow, it doesn't come to fruition, so
early on, I tend not to pay much attention to the prediction of snow.  
But all week, the prediction of seeing snow has gotten stronger.
It started snowing about 3:30 yesterday afternoon with the biggest snowflakes I have ever seen falling from the sky.
It snowed for about an hour and then stopped giving us a little dusting of snow.
I didn't say anything to my kids, but I secretly thought that the dusting might be it.  
BUT - 
It started snowing again about 9pm last night.
(I still wasn't convinced that it was going to do much.)

I woke up this morning about 5:45am and saw in the darkness that it had snowed much more than I had anticipated.  

This is what the view from my front porch looked like about 7:30 this morning.

7 inches of snow!!! 

Around 8:30am, Brady and Lillie went outside to check it out.

Around 9:30am, I saw the first peek of the sun.....

but, it continued to snow until around 11am.

Then the sky started to clear.....

And everything just sparkled when the sky turned blue. 

The path behind our house. 
Winter Wonderland

Sunlight through snowy limbs is so pretty.

We did some cleaning, ate lunch, and then headed outside for some more fun.

They all love eating snow.

Even at 15, she loves the snow!

Not the best snow for sledding today. But they had fun trying.

Oldest and youngest. 

Lillie went to a friends for the afternoon.  They have a big truck and came to get her. 
Maggie is currently in Cozemel, Mexico swimming with the dolphins.  
CANNOT wait to share the pics from her 13th birthday trip.  

It isn't supposed to get over freezing around here until at least Tuesday around here.
Due to all of the roads that will turn to ice tonight, there will be no church activities tomorrow.
We will cozy up and watch some movies tonight and enjoy the time with family this evening.
 The snow that melts in the sun today will refreeze overnight, so,  if it isn't too cold tomorrow, maybe we can get out try and the sledding again.

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