
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ken's 50th

 Today is my husband's birthday. 
He turns 50!
Several months ago, my kids started asking to do a surprise party for this big birthday.  
I was on the fence about it, because it is very hard to surprise him.

I  final agreed and decided that it would be fun. I
 enlisted the help of some wonderful folks from church as well as a friend who got Ken out of the house for the morning and it was a go.  We had the party about 3 weeks ago, because as you all know, Advent is an extremely busy time in the church.  

I wanted the decorations to be pretty masculine  so I went with  navy and green and rustic.
 My mother in law made navy/green plaid table runners for me. 
This is the serving table before the food was put on it.   

I borrowed some lanterns from a friend, asked my dad to make me some wood slices, my mom brought the moss balls.  Added some green pears and we had centerpieces.

The food was all of Ken's favorites.  It included oreo cupcakes, bacon wrapped cocktail wieners, egg salad sandwiches, nuts, olives ham and cream cheese wrapped pickles.  I had a small cake made so he could blow out candles.

And we had a popcorn bar.  Lots of fun sweet stuff to add to bags of popcorn.
I think it was the most popular spot of the day!

Some very kind friends from church made me this wooden backdrop and my girls put together the '50' out of pictures throughout Ken's life.  

I sent out invitations to friends far away and made a private facebook invite for our church family.
Ken thought we were going to an Anniversary party for a couple from church. 
This is him when we first walked in.

There were a lot of people singing Happy Birthday and he still didn't know this was for him.
He thought they were practicing for when the real folks came in. 
This is me telling him that this party was for him. 

The realization......

It was a wonderful party!  Lots of great friends & family from far and near came to celebrate with us. 
I think he really enjoyed it.

Dear Ken,
I hope that you loved your party and I hope you know how much you mean to me and our family.
The kids were so excited to be doing a party for you.  They were thrilled that we really got you. That you were so surprised.  
Thank you for loving us and for leading us.
Thank you for being the calm presence to my worrying self...
 It sometimes drives me crazy that you are so calm,  but, it is exactly what I need.  
God knew what he was doing all those year's ago at camp.  I'm so thankful that He brought you into my life and that we get to travel this journey of ministry together.
He has led us to several places to be in ministry for Him these past 16 years, and I am glad that we always get to do it together.  

Happy 50th Birthday.  I love you!, Mindy

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