
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Moments {A Month of Sundays.......4.10.15 and 4.17.15; 4.24.15 and 5.1.15}

It has literally been a month of Sunday's since I have had time to sit and write a post about what is happening in our crazy, busy lives.
It has indeed been full and nonstop.
So, without a lot of words and with a TON of pictures, here is what our last month has looked like.

 Saturday, April 4, 2015--

The day before Easter.
These girls spent a lot of time making sure their nails matched their dresses. 

and finally, right before bedtime, we got to dye Easter Eggs.
It is a tradition. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015 --
After Sunrise service, breakfast and Easter Worship, we went to my in-laws home for lunch.

94/365...... the best picture I got of all four of them in their Easter outfits.

Nana had made a wonderful Easter lunch for us.  We had a great time visiting.
While Nana made lunch, Grandpap and Diana ( a family friend) had hid eggs for the kids to fine AND had made a scavenger hunt for each one of them.  It was so fun.
I am hoping to write a post about this all on it's own.
The kids had a blast.

Monday, April 6, 2015 --

On Monday, the kids and I headed to Georgia to visit my family.
Wet weather is never fun when traveling.
Especially through the gorges.

95/365...... we stopped for supper with Papa, so we finally made it to my Mom's at this time.
We were definitely tired and travel weary.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 --

My nephews were at my Mom's house, too.
On Tuesday, we went to one of our favorite local pizza places for lunch.

and then played at the park afterwards.
It was a great day with Grammy and Granddaddy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 --

Papa was headed out of town, so on Wednesday we all spent the day with him.
And I got to experience what it might be like to have 6 kids.  HA.
This is my favorite picture I got at the Chattanooga Aquarium.
Sweet cousins.

My fav from my 'real' camera.
They all loved the aquarium.

Thursday, April 9, 2015 --
On Thursday, my step-sister, Lauren, came up to see up and visit with her sweet kiddos.

98/365.....We rode in the wagon

and did a lot of chalk art.

Friday, April 10, 2015 --
On Friday, we went with Grammy and Granddaddy to the Huntsville Space Museum.
The kids had a great time!

Standing in front of the mini shuttle.....

Saturday, April 11, 2015 --
On Saturday, we were to head home.
But first we went for a visit with my grandparents.  

100/365...... My Pa has had dementia for several years now and hasn't known any of his grandchildren for a while.  On this day, it seemed like he was working hard to put it together that his daughter ( My Mom- who he recognized) was my Mom.   It was a sweet visit.
If I had known it was going to be my last visit with him, I would've stayed longer.

The perfect song as we started home....

Sunday, April 12, 2015 --
Busy Sunday.
Fun youth meeting.  One of our youth led our devotion and she had us hold mints in our mouth without sucking on them as an object lesson.
It was not easy. 

time to take down the Easter decorations......

But I left them up for two more weeks. 

Monday, April 13, 2015 --

He had to go get a cavity filled.
Which he did without any "sleepy juice".
So, we celebrated afterwards with a muffin.

she makes her lunch for school every day.
Every. stinkin. day.
Suddenly, the food is inedible....

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 --

So, my instagram picture for this day wasn't taken by me.  It was posted by my cousin.
We got word in the middle of the day on Tuesday that my grandfather ( the one from above) had passed away.  He was 92.
He had a good long life and this is him and my grandmother on the day they got married.
I was so very thankful that I had visited with him just three days earlier.  

103/365.....I love this magazine. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 --
We rushed around and traveled back to Georgia for my grandfather's funeral.
We left after our church obligations for the night.
We ended up driving through some nasty rain

104/365...... Because we didn't want to arrive at my Mom's at 2am, we stopped in a hotel for the night.
We were all thankful to get inside out of the rain.

Thursday, April 16, 2015 --
The next morning we drove on to my Mom's house.
We had visitation that evening.

105/365..... a quote from one of the pictures someone sent for my grandfather.

The sky as we left the funeral home that night. 

Friday, April 16, 2015 --

We celebrated the life of my grandfather on Friday.  Some of my sweet friends drove a long way to support me.
So thankful for them and what they mean to my family.

106/365.... As we got ready for bed that evening, this boy made me laugh.
He said he looked like an old man.
And he refused to smile.
Not sure why.

Saturday, April 18, 2015--
My family and I drove back home on Saturday from Georgia for the second time in two weeks.

107/365.... flowers from the ones that were sent for my grandfather.
Brought home to dry.

We stopped at one of our favorites (Fat Buddies - the best ribs ever)
for lunch on the way home.

Sunday, April 19,2015
Our youth went to our local UMAR home on this Sunday afternoon.
We had a blast with the residents.
We painted, had ice cream sundaes and sang songs.
108/365....wonderful afternoon.

Then Ken and I rushed off to go to see Potted Potter at the neatest little theatre downtown in Charlotte.
It had stained glass windows!
Potted Potter was HILARIOUS.

Monday, April 20, 2015 --
Back to the swing of things with school and work.  

109/365....I grabbed this shot of the view from my front porch in the late afternoon.

Me and my people. 
Love them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 --
My mother in law gave me gift cards from Crate and Barrell for Christmas.
I finally used them and got this awesome lantern.
I love it!

110/365..... I took this picture to prove that I can grow plants.
Even though Ken says I can't.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 --
For the first time ever, I made stuffed peppers for supper.
They were so good and remind me of my childhood. My mom used to make them.

111/365......  This poor girl ended up with a stomach bug on this evening.

Thursday, April 23, 2015  --

Accidental selfie....

112/365....  Maggie was feeling much better by the next afternoon.
She was helping him with his homework.
Love when they are good to each other.

Friday, April 24, 2015 --
On Friday of this week, Lillie and I, along with three other classmates of her and their mom's made a trip to Raleigh to see the Capital Building , the Legislative Building and other museums.
This was in the History Museum.

All four of the kids.
By this point in the day, they weren't really up for smiling.

Saturday, April 25, 2015 --
The next day, we had our annual God's Green Earth Day Event at church.
Even though it was cold and rainy, it was a great event.
Can't wait for next year.

114/365....  It was also prom day for my senior high peeps.
These girls stopped by the church to see me.
They looked beautiful and I am honored that they took time to come and let me see them all dressed up for their fun night!

Sunday, April 26, 2015 --

This was on my timewarp feed for this day.
My Grandfather and Brady one year ago to date.

The youth group had another outing to serve the residents at Holy Angels and then we went out ot supper. 
115/365..... great group of kids!

Monday, April 27, 2015  --

It was book club night but I didn't finish the book.  :/

116/365....  My new old chairs that we got from Ken's grandmother.
They need to be re-done, but I love the shape of them.
And if I can find a hounds-tooth fabric that I like ( that isn't green -- this one is) I will be getting it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015 --
I love when packages arrive with goodies in them that I love!

117/365.... first t-ball game of the season!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015  --
This was Ken and my 15th wedding anniversary.
Maggie made us a lot of goodies.
The one on top has three hearts with maps inside of where we met, married and now live.  SO sweet.

118/365......  I love small groups with our youth each week.
This was our 9th/10th grade group this week.

Thursday, April 30, 2015 --

Made one of my favorite suppers on this night. Tacos or taco salad!

119/365.....I love when my family had time to eat supper and enjoy laughing and talking with one another.

Friday, May 1, 2015 --
 Date day with Ken.
We drove down to Davidson and walked around.
We then had lunch at a little place that made it's own bread.
SO good.

120/365...... finally started changing the mantle from the Easter decorations.
Trouble is, this is as far as it has gone so far.

Life has been extremely busy.
Here is hoping I get to post again before another month passes.

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