
Friday, April 18, 2014

Moments (4.19.14)

Some very sweet moments from the past week in our home.
There have also been some really tough parenting moments and marriage moments this week.
I guess if I'm being honest and keeping track of what our weeks are really like, I should be getting shots of those moments, too.
Funny, though, those aren't the moments I usually think to grab the camera or my phone. 
But, just to keep things real around here -- 
Things aren't always peachy and perfect.

Here are the shots I did get from our week.
The sweet ones.
The ones I will choose to remember.....

Saturday, April 12, 2014 --  We began Saturday at Brady's first official tee-ball game.
He absolutely loves playing tee-ball.
And if I'm honest, I love it, too!

After the tee-ball game and softball practice were over, we headed home for a late lunch.
Then I headed over to church to get some things done for Sunday.
While I was there, I got a call from one of our youth to come see him all spiffied up for the prom.
He was outside getting pictures made.  
So, I grabbed my camera and ran out there.
I was so honored that he asked me to come out and be a part of the picture taking.
This is one of my favs!!
101/365......Ready for the Senior Prom

Sunday, April 13, 2014 -- Another super busy Sunday.  
The Gathering, Church service, Meeting, and The Bridge.
This was a game where the kids had a balloon tied to their ankles and were trying to pop the other people's balloons. Great game.
But when you 5th and 6th grade girls are involved, one should really wear ear plugs.
You have never heard such screams. =)

102/365.....Allie playing a minute to win it game at The Bridge.

Monday, April 14, 2014 -- Monday was a regular Monday.
But it was special for this girl.
She got a sweet, sweet letter from her friend Macie who lives in Sylva.
I can't tell you how much that mail meant to Lillie.
In the life we lead, where we move when God calls us to.  Where we leave those we have become close to us, it is so wonderful to know that you haven't been forgotten and are missed. 
Thank you, Macie and Melanie! You've no idea how much this little note meant to her!!

On Monday evening, Maggie had a softball game and Ken had a softball game at church.

103/365.....Softball fills our evenings these days.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 --  Work filled the morning and then it was grocery shopping in the afternoon for Brady and I.  It was a very rainy and cold day.

Until around 5PM, when the skies cleared and it became beautiful.
But, ball fields were too wet for games and practices.
So, the kids found themselves with some free time.
I looked out the window to see them running laps around the house.
The girls said their coach at school today them to.
Brady just joined in. =)


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 -- A very chilly day for an Easter Egg Hunt.
But, Brady's preschool did it anyways. And fun was had by all!

On Wednesday afternoon, Allie attended her first tumbling lesson.  

105/365 ......She was doing (spotted)  back walkovers by the time she left.
So proud of her!

Thursday, April 17, 2014 --  He was gearing up for Egg Hunt #2 before school on Thursday morning.

We had lunch with Nancy, who was one of our office administrators.  She is retiring and Thursday was her very last day.  It was a wonderful lunch.  We are all sure going to miss her.

On Thursday night, Lillie and Maggie were both in the school's talent show.
Lillie's class danced to "Freak Out" and donned 70's attire. 
Maggie did gymnastics with several of her friends.
It was a fun night.

106/365......Talent show beauties......

Friday, April 18, 2014 -- I left home this morning at 8AM to go get my hair done.
I stopped to get this picture though of the crosses.  The black fabric that indicates Good Friday jumped out at me.

Matthew 17:27-31 
 "Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him,  and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.  After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.

Once I got back from having my hair cut {which I did by several inches}
and once I got over the fact that out of 5 other people in my home only one said "I Love it, Mom!", I went to church to help set up for our Easter Event tomorrow morning.
Also at our church today, we had a Taize Prayer Vigil going on from 9AM-9PM for people to come in and pray on this Good Friday. Hubs and I took our kid and went in together. It was a very meaningful time spent in prayer with our children.

107/365..... Be Still and Know......

Tomorrow is our Easter Event and it is time for me to hit the hay as I have to be up and ready early tomorrow.
But, this picture above reminds me of today's prayer vigil. It was so beautiful in the sanctuary with the candles lit.  It was beautiful time spent in the presence of our Lord. Worshiping the One who was crucified once upon a Friday for me.

Linking up at 

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Great photos. Looks like a very busy and fun week! Happy Easter!

  2. What a jam-packed week! I did some "minute to win it" games with my third grade class this week. They loved it!
