
Friday, April 11, 2014

Moments {4.11.14}

100 days of taking a picture every day.
I am so glad that I have thus far, kept up!!

This has been the craziest week of all thus far in this Lenten season.
All of the things are taking all of my time.
BUT, I have hope.
I can see the light that is coming on Easter!
In more than one way.
We will celebrate His resurrection AND my chaos will be over.
{At least for the week I plan to take off and get out of dodge over Spring Break}.

Anyway -- this week was nuts.
These few moments don't even begin to tell you all that we had going this week.
I will try to give you the jest of it all.
Here goes.

 Saturday, April 5, 2014--  
As I said last week, we got up early on Saturday for the second day of our "Created By God" Workshop.
It was over around 3 and we stopped for some celebratory fro-yo on the way home.

94/365.....I cannot say enough good things about this workshop.
Can't wait to bring it to MtPUMC in the future.

Sunday, April 6, 2014 --
The day started early with setting up for The Gathering, then worship, children's church, youth, and a meeting.
The lesson of children's church on this day was about Jesus being arrested and Peter's denial of Jesus.

95/365.....The rooster crowed three times.....

By the time I got home on Sunday evening, I was exhausted.
I wanted so badly to read these books that I'm reading with my girls,
 but I fell asleep before I got that far.
And I still haven't gotten any further in these books than I was almost a week ago.

Monday, April 7, 2014 --
When we woke on Monday morning, it was freezing outside and pouring rain.
So, I drove these sweeties down to the bus stop.

I was happy to get a run in on Monday morning and then it was time to get some work done.
I worked all afternoon then went to our youth fundraiser that afternoon.
Then, it was on to {{GASP}} Middle School Orientation.
Allie goes to 7th grade next year.  
I was a bit overwhelmed by it all.

96/365......Once I finally made it home I was drained.
But I went ahead and made chocolate chip banana bread for the next morning's breakfast.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014 --
I worked for the morning and then headed off to Kindergarten Orientation.
My baby boy goes to Kindergarten next year.
Overwhelmed.  That is how I feel about how fast life is going!

After the orientation, I worked a little more.
Then we picked the girls up from school and ran some errands.
My sweet MIL came to babysit for us so that hubs and I could attend a retirement party for one of our office staff.

97/365......BEST WISHES, Nancy! We love you and will miss you around here!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 --
Hubs left for the hospital at about 5:30 am so I was on my own to get everyone ready and out the door on Wednesday.  
98/365.......Brady "needed" the comic in the Cheerios.

There was also a beautiful sunrise on Wednesday!!

I worked all day long on Wednesday and then ran a few more errands in the late afternoon.  
And picked up pizza on the way home before running off to church again.  

Thursday, April 10, 2014 --
On Thursday, I got to go on a field trip with Miss Lillie.
It was a lovely morning.
99/365......sweet girls.

The field trip was over by noon, so I checked Lillie out and we went to see our friend, Ms. Helen.

Friday, April 11, 2014 --
Today, I got to go on a second field trip with Miss Allie.
To Uptown Charlotte to learn some history of the city.
Gorgeous day in a beautiful city.
More on this to come.

This evening was Miss Maggie's first softball game.
She has never played before and this Mama was nervous for her.

100/ softball girl!

The chaos doesn't look to slow down for at least another week.
But, with Holy Week upon us, I'm hoping to be able to slow down enough to actually prepare my heart for the celebration to come on Easter!!

Linking up at

life rearranged


Nurse Loves Farmer

Can't wait to see what y'all have been up to this week!!


  1. Oh my gosh, what a busy busy week you had!~! It looks like it was filled with fun and love though!

  2. Busy, busy! Hang in there, mama!

  3. We turned in our kindergarten enrollment a few weeks back. I wasn't really sad about it but I was trying to figure out how I have a child almost ready for kindergarten.
