
Friday, January 31, 2014

Moments {1.31.14}

This week was full of fun moments.
As I sit here on Friday night looking back over my week, I'm so very tired.  
It is a good tired, though.
I had the opportunity to spend some extra time with the kids this week.
Priceless moments.
Here are a few of the moments from our week......

Saturday, January 25, 2014 --- 
We headed home from the mountains on Saturday morning.
It was snowing as we drove away....
Love this view.
Miss it so very much....

25/365.......But it was so very nice to be back in our own beds.
Sweet Lillie in her "princess bed".

Sunday, January 26, 2014 ---
After a busy day of church stuff, hubs and I sat down to watch the Grammy's.
Did anyone else find them just plain weird this year?
The best performance of the night was this one.
Sara Barailles and Carol King.

26/365.....I've started writing letters to my kids again.
We write back and forth.
I hope this continues forever..

Monday, January 27, 2014 --
Bible study time.  Was working on Isaiah that morning.
Love studying my bible....

27/365.....It was warm outside. In the mid- sixties.  That warranted a little extra time on the playground...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --
A phone call at 11:30AM telling me school was being let out due to an impending snowstorm changed my plans for Tuesday.
Instead of a visit to the dentist for Brady, we picked up the girls from school and waited on the snow.

28/365.....what a difference a day makes.....

Wednesday, January 29, 2014--
We had a grand time sledding down the little hill behind our house.

29/365......two moments to share.....
Allie and Maggie made banana bread for breakfast. 
All by themselves.

We southern girls love our snow.
Or at least this one does.....

Thursday, January 30, 2014 --
Another snow day.
Took these three shopping with their Christmas money.

30/365.....Peace.  It's what God is trying to teach me about right now....

Friday, January 31, 2014--
Bedtime kisses from Spidey.....

31/365.....He shows up at my house pretty regularly......

I love these weekly posts.
I have a few moments to look back and my week.
And realize how blessed I really am.

Linking up at

Catch the Moment 365


life rearranged


  1. I love all the snow pictures! Especially the angle of the cup in the snow. We also made banana bread this week! It was my first time ever actually!

  2. Some awesome photos this week :) What a neat idea to write handwritten letters to your kids, it will be something they will treasure forever! My grandfather passed away recently and I so often go back and read the handwritten letter he sent me a few years ago, brings so much comfort! :) I also love your bible verse picture and the one of the banana bread YUM! :)

  3. Beautiful pictures! I also love the idea of writing letters to your children. My son is almost 8, so I think he could totally write letters back!

    I love the tire swing picture and your days 28 and 29 in the snow. So much fun!
