
Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Month of Thanks - A Day FULL

This has been a very FULL day.

It started at 8 AM. I arrived at church to help get ready for our Treats for Troops Event. I am thankful for the people who put this event together, for the people who came and decorated cookies and made cards, and for the people who will do what it takes to mail these packages to service men and women so that they will receive cookies for Christmas.

This afternoon, I did a few errands and then headed off to a near by city to meet some friends for supper. It was their daughter, Libby's birthday. And we were part of her surprise. I'm thankful for getting to be part of Libby's birthday surprise and getting to visit with sweet friends.

I came home and got everyone in bed. That's a feat in itself and I'm thankful they are all sleeping soundly in their beds.

Then I became completely overwhelmed about some things. And since that feeling over came me, two things have happened.....

1 - I went looking for a video of an old hymn that God put on my heart. I'm incredibly thankful that God works that way in me sometimes. He knows I love music and that it really gets me through and he gave me this old, old hymn.....

What a friend we have in Jesus.
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry,
everything to God in prayer.....

OH, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

SO, I went looking for that hymn on Youtube to show you all and then I found this. It's perfect. It made me laugh and had the song I needed to hear and share....


#2) I put on FB that I was overwhelmed, and God sent my long time friend Benny to say just the right thing to make me laugh. Don'tcha just love friends like that? The ones who know you and know the things to say that can make you laugh? I do. SO, tonight I'm thankful that for Benny and his wise crack about my right eye.....

I'm still overwhelmed, and I still have A LOT of praying to do but my load feels lighter thanks to God's putting the right song and the right friend in my path.

oh, so grateful!!!!!

in HIM-

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mindy, for sharing that song. I was reading through my blog list this morning (Sunday) and feeling overwhelmed in all that is going on in my life. It has been three years since my son became sick with viral encephalitis. It has left him with uncontrolled epilepsy. He is on four seizure medications, has had surgery and yet, the seizures still come. It has changed him and it has changed our family in was you can't even begin to imagine. I am grateful that he is still alive, he can walk and he can talk. But there are many things that have happened that I am not able to share here or on our CarePages blog. But hearing that song today reminded once again that I can share them with God.

    I had been working on a piano arrangement of that song but had put it aside. Time to dig it back out.

    I am thankful today that Mindy shared her heart on her blog.
