
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miles to Go Before I GO.......

I am sitting here at 11:02 PM, exhausted, and thinking of all the things there are on my to do list for this week. It is SO much more than usual......

This year was hubs and my 10th anniversary. We went to dinner that night but the real celebration begins this Saturday when he and I leave home for 9 days for a cruise to the Western Carribean. We are both very excited. We've been on a few weekend getaways in the last 10 years but weeks away without kids.....not so much.

I really am very excited. Excited and looking forward to spending all that time with just my hubby.
But I'm also anxious about leaving my kids for that long when I am going to be unavailable for immediate contact.
Stressed an the length of my to do list between now and then. Preparing to be away and have sweet grandparents here with the kids for a week is proving to be ALOT to do. Preparing for being away from bible study and my other obligations at church for over a week....
Not to mention all of the general house cleaning, regular weekly things we always have .

I'm really NOT complaining because I know it is going to be so worth it. I'm just trying to explain why I have been scarce around the old blog and why that will probably continue for the next couple of weeks. I would like to say that I will update you daily from the cruise. I plan to take my computer but I don't hold out high hopes of it being used for anything other than uploading pictures so I can take more the next day.

SO, until we meet again. I've miles to go -- before I go................


1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you! I understand your anxiety about leaving your kids. Praying for you in that area, but rejoicing with you that you get to spend time alone with your hubby!
