
Friday, July 2, 2010

Father's Day 2010

I finally uploaded the pictures on my camera today. So, even though it's almost two weeks later, I am posting the pictures I took on Father's Day.

Our Father's Day Celebration started on Saturday evening. I had told K that I would fix whatever he wanted for supper and he chose to have Steak. I even made homemade french fries for him to go with it. {yes, I let go of the "wehavetoeathealty" thing I have going right now for the evening -- however, I made myself a baked potato.} Of course hubs was already gone to church on Sunday morning when we all got up. So, after church we gave him the cards we had for him. We didn't have a gift for him yet. We had family pictures made and a little part of his gift will be pictures of the kids/us for his office. BUT the big part is that we are going to buy him a new golf bag for him clubs. And since I know nothing about golf bags, he will be picking one out for himself.

We then ate sandwiches for lunch and then rested for a while.
Hubs decided that afternoon that we would take the kids to park in a town that is about 30 minutes away. We have two parks right here in our town but since it was about 378 degrees that day we chose this one because it had sprinklers and the kids could play in the water. The girls LOVED it!

This is L. She was singing and shaking her booty.

and then she made a friend and they were drinking the water.
Isn't that recycled water? yuck....

This little man would have NO part of the water though.
He enjoyed the swings.

and the slide.....

After the girls got tired of the water, they joined the fun on the playground.

I just loved this picture of my guys....
even though it's a little hazy.....

B also thought he would try out the climbing wall.
He made it to the top!

After we played for a while, as is the custom at our house on birthday's and special holidays,
the person being celebrated gets to choose where we eat.
Hubs chose this. I'm not joking.

And while I wasn't thrilled with our dining opportunity,
these people were.
And the shrek toys--that made it even better.....

It REALLY was a great family day!!!!
in HIM-

1 comment:

  1. Great camera... great subjects to work with! Good to hear from you. We're settling in, but I have been desperately lonely and a bit depressed by it all. I can't seem to quit crying these days. We're heading to the beach next week for a family vacation, so I think this will bring some much needed rest and perspective. It's been six years since we've done this, and we've moved to a very small church (our choice); we feel it's the right move, but it's hard to know where to begin this go around. There's so much not "built into" the church. In many ways, it's like a church plant. We would appreciate any spare prayers you have for our ministry here.

    On the upside, the parsonage is WONDERFUL! Best one we've ever lived in, thank you Lord!

