
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun, Friendly Friday

A couple of Fridays ago, ( I know I'm way behind on my posts!)my family had a day that needs remembering so I'm making it a post.
First thing that morning, we had family pictures made by an awesome photographer! I've seen a few of the proofs thus far but I CANNOT wait to see the rest.

One thing of note that happened that morning is this.....I went to pick up some balloons before the photographer arrived and came home and my husband had gone from this
to you see it? He shaved off the goatee.
He now has only a 'soul patch' (at least I think that is what you call it).
He said that he wanted to look different in these pictures than the ones we had made a couple of years ago......alrighty then!
After the pictures, we ate lunch and loaded the kids in the car and drove over to Pigeon Forge,TN. It's only about an hour and a half across the mountains from our house. Some dear, dear friends of mine from home were there on vacation with their kids and
I invited myself had invited us over to visit!
This was my best friend growing up with her son and her Mom.
Along with her two brothers and their families. Sonya and I were best friends from about the 5th and 6th grade I think. Her younger brother and I worked at a camp together when we were college age and I got close to him there. Her older brother is a pastor and I knew that he had Ken could relate to one another. And her Mom was really like my second Mom! I love them all very much and it was so nice to get to have our families spend some time together.
We took the kids swimming at the pool. These are my kids, Sonya's son and her younger brother's kids. Her older brother's kids aren't in this picture. There are 6 of them. We had lots of kids around!
everybody make a silly face!

I honestly have no idea what this is.....after three girls, I'm
still learning about boys....

Miss A.....

Here they are.....all greased up and ready for the pool.

These two had a great time playing together!

And these two? Well. They had a good water fight. =)

I don't know why I don't have shots of my M in the pool. She was having a ball though!

I didn't take my swimsuit and neither did K. So, Sonya got in and played with B.

After a couple of hours, it was time for us to go. This is me and Sonya before we left.
She threatened my life if I put this on fb or my blog......
sorry I just had to! I could've put pics from our teen years from our Hairnation days....
but I will refrain! at least for today anyways.....

K had convinced the girls that we should go to a pancake house for supper.....thankfully for me there were no pancake houses open for supper so we settled on my fav -- Mexican!

He love chips and salsa almost as much as me!!!!

Since we couldn't find the promised pancake house, the girls were offered the
candy store next door to our restaurant instead.

These three got themselves some sour powder.....
We all got some candy. Can you go into a candy store like the ones in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg and not get candy? K and B got some green apple licorice (yuck) and
I got a caramel apple. I can't go through Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge without
getting a caramel or a candied apple!
Reminds me of all the youth trips we made there when I was a kid.
As is customary in these mountain candy shops, this one was making taffy.

The nice guy gave the kids all a free, fresh piece of taffy. They loved it.
And then our day was done and we headed home.....

in HIM-


  1. How fun!! K looks WEIRD!! Maybe a little like Billy Bob Thornton! Don't tell him I said that though!

  2. I've been waiting on these pics, but I didn't see any of Kelley's kids. :) I spoke with her the day you were there and she told me her kids were swimming with your kids.
    Know what you mean about lagging behind on the posts, I have so many I'm behind on.
    Also, we are going Cherokee, NC soon. Is that near you?
