
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday - Mother's Day

I wanted to do a post on my Mother's Day so I thought it would be fun to do it as a Top Ten Tuesday. SO here goes......

1. I got up first thing Sunday and took a bath. While finishing up I could hear all sorts of commotion outside the bathroom. A knock came on the door. A and M were bringing me by coffee! When I came out of the bathroom, there were these 4 excited faces waiting on me to come open the presents they had for me. Hubs was taking pictures, too. Which warms my heart because I am usually the one taking the pictures. 2. A super sweet card from the hubs was the first thing I opened.....

3. M gave me a cut out picture of her profile -- you know those things they make at school where someone draws their profile and they cut it out of black construction paper. Anyway -- it was framed and really cute. She also gave me this note......It says"I just want you to know.....that I love you. You are my very best Mom. You are the queen of loveing.I think you are very best mom:the queen of moms. Even if you are getting old I still love you. I love when are funny. Even when you are yelling at us. Thank you for all you have done. Love' M" ( typed as she wrote it).....I love being called the queen of loving......not so much loving the whole getting old thing.;) Humbled by the yelling thing.

4. L drew this picture of me......

5. B's PMO teachers helped him make this for me...... the poem says....."I'M Happy You're My Mom. I'm happy your my mom, 'Cause you take good care of me. You love me and you show it, So I'm as happy as can be! I love you very much, And so I want to say, Thank you for all you do, And Happy Mother's Day!" I'm a sucker for these things.....sniff =)

6. A made this picture of herself at school for me......

7.The card A made was 3 dimensional!!!! Very Cool! You can also see in the background there that A came home - found the wrapping paper, and wrapped her gift. And hid it under her bed for me until Sunday morning. She drew all over the wrapping paper. SO sweet!

8. At preschool, L planted me this plant and painted the bowl it's planted in......

9. More flowers from church on Sunday morning........roses from L in Sunday School, the pansies from A in Sunday School, the carnation from K and the kids and from a sweet lady at church who honored me. The Women's Group at church had sold carnation in honor of/in memory of mom's. The flowers were on the alter Sunday morning and then the mom's could take them home.

10. And the last Mother's Day gift is still to come. Hubs is not a picture kind of guy. But he has agreed to do family pictures as my gift for Mother's Day. I CANNOT WAIT! . Now I just have to get with the photographer about a date!!!!
Sunday was a great day. After church, we came home and ate a light lunch. Then we went out to eat an early supper since I had bible study at 6. It was a fantastic Mother's Day!
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, go on over to OhAmanda!
Have a great day. Time to get busy cleaning my house now.....I've got beds that have been stripped and need remaking!
in HIM- Mindy