
Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Thus begins another incredibly busy week. Hopefully, I will get my reviews that I promised done this week. AND hopefully I will be back to tell you all about why I am so busy.

But, for today, I've got a million and one things to do still. I had an appointment this morning then went to get groceries. Came home ate lunch and did laundry. In a very short little while, I will be headed to the bus stop to get the older two girls. Once we get back home, it will be quick homework time and I will start supper. I have a meeting at 4. Hubs has a meeting at 6 and then a softball game at 8:30. I was hoping to get a nice walk in with a friend but it is looking doubtful......right now, it's even looking doubtful that my family and I will even have supper together. Once I return from my meeting our evening routine will begin.

After the kids are in bed, I will go back to doing laundry and will hopefully make a couple of hairbows.

That is just today but the rest of the week looks the same......busy busy!!!

So, for now --- here is my menu plan for this week -

Breakfasts cereal with milk and fruit, poptarts, eggs and toast and MAYBE even local sausage (with NO MSG or nitrates), bagels with jelly

Lunches veggies to dip in hummas or ranch dressing, hummus with tortilla chips, sandwiches with chips and fruit, cheese and crackers with apple slices, cheese rollups,


Monday : Fettucine with Olive Sauce { I'm using sprouted grains fettucine -- any one know anything about this?}

Tuesday: Grilled Salmon, quinoa, and green beans/green peas

Wednesday: Church Picnic for the end of the school year -- Hotdogs and Hamburgers will be provided, we are to bring side dishes --- I'm making potato salad

Thursday: Steak with baked sweet potatoes

Friday: This weekend is Camp Patton Springs at our church ( a weekend camping retreat for kids 2nd - graduating seniors). A and M are both old enough to go this year so L, B and I will drive them there and eat supper with them. Hubs will be at a hospital in ATL with a church member who is having surgery. {Please say a prayer for her this Friday!!!!}

Saturday: very up in the air as we will probably go back to CPS that day and I have NO idea what time we will return home......

Sunday: We have a 1st birthday party to attend for a sweet little girl -- I think I heard that BBQ is on the menu.

***I have this rule that we only eat beef once a week {and always organic if I can help it}......Looks like my rule is out the window this week. I was hoping to get organic chicken or an organic pork roast to do BBQ sandwiches for us on Thursday, but neither of those were one sale. Organic grass fed ribeyes.....those were on sale. SO, that is what we are having this week.

Ya'll have a great rest of Monday, it's time for me to head on out to the bus stop. For more MPM, go on over to!


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