
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Last Saturday --- a week ago today--- at this moment, I was rushing around feeding little people breakfast so that we could begin the process of getting ready for that huge event once a year that turns me into a hair dresser. Every other day of the year, I am Mommy - the hair fixer, but on recital day, we pull out all the stops. There were sponge rollers, hair gel, curling irons, bobby pins, hairspray and glitter. Along with makeup all around.
This years recital was entitled "Are We There Yet" and had a travel theme. Miss Valerie, who owns the dance studio, but is also a precious friend, once again did a fantastic job of putting together the recital and telling a story.
M and A took Musical Theatre this year and their class did "Greased Lightening". Here are some shots of them......

My M......
"Go Greased Lightening, your burning up the quarter mile...."
love the sparkly poodle skirt.....

My A......

"Go Greased Lightening, your racing through the heat lap trials"

L took her final year of Predance class. Her class did a routine to "The Wheels On The Bus Song"
My L.......

"The wheels on the bus go round and round....."
L's yellow babydoll costume was just precious
and she loved it!!!!

Her hair took a long time to do
but I think the result was well worth it......

We tried to get a shot of the girls with their brother.....
this is the best we got.

And one of the three girls together. They were tired of
pictures by this time.....
My zoom lens doesn't auto focus
so all the pics I took during the recital were blurry.
Here is an after shot.
Grammy and Granddaddy brought flowers for our dancers.

After the recital, Granddaddy and Grammy treated us to a wonderful supper
at an awesome local restaurant where everything is local
and organic. Delish!!!

It was a great day. The girls love dance and I can't wait to see what they choose to do next year. Thank you, Miss Valerie for making my girls LOVE dance!
And thanks to Grammy and Granddaddy for making it a wonderfully special day!!!!!
Mindy (DERN! deleted my sig. again!!!!!)


  1. SUPER cute! You need to hold a class for those of us who are hair-styling illiterate!

  2. Mindy....the pictures are amazing...the girls are beautiful!!! They all look so old!! :-) Give L a hug for me!

    Shanna Struble

  3. Your brunettes could pass for twins. I can't get over how much the oldest looks like you.

  4. They are just beautiful. What fun little outfits. CUTE
