
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekend Recap- Greening Up The Mountains

This past weekend was great fun and non stop! Grammy and Granddaddy came to visit and they arrived Friday afternoon. We took Grammy out to supper for Mother's Day and then came back home to prepare for Saturdays activities which I will get to in a minute. Once we got home, Grammy decided to make some Rice Krispie Treats with the kids......

Here is B. He drug a chair in from his sister's room
so he could stand and watch, too!.
(Goodness, look how dirty his mouth is)
M did not help make Rice Krispie Treats....
she read to Granddaddy instead!

A got to stir it all together and pour it into the pan

And L got to pat them all out!!!!

And what makes Rice Krispie Treats even better?
Well, sprinkles of course!!!

Saturday was Greening Up the Mountains which is a festival in our little town. A and M were to dance along with some other groups from our dance studio. I took hundreds of pictures but here are a few............
I just loved this one from one of the older ballet classes

This is our friend R. She is an awesome dancer!

A and M's Musical Theatre Class is dancing this year to......
wait for it......"Greased Lightening"!!!
Grease is one of my alltime fav's =)
Here they are running in.....

"Go Greased Lightening, your burning up the quarter mile.
Greased Lightening, Go Greased Lightening"

After the dancing, we were all ready to go get some lunch......
K and B as we were figuring out lunch.

Our UMW was selling hotdogs so most of the family got that.
I on the other hand had to have this......

I had never heard of "Fry Bread" before we moved to this little town
but let me tell you that it is YUMMY. For lunch it is served with chili and
taco fixings. YUM
It can also be served as dessert, though, with powdered sugar or fruit topping.
After we had all eaten our fill, we walked around the festival for a while.
This is a picture of our towns 'old' courthouse--
as well as the future library. I can't wait til
this new library opens, it is going to be awesome!!!
There were these men dressed as "tooth fairies" and M had her picture made with them.
They were there promoting a local free dental clinic!

A and M with their friends E and R!

L and our friend T!

Our friends M and E!
I was scheduled to work in the UMW Hotdog booth for a couple of hours in the afternoon. About 20 minutes after I arrived, the storms started so the whole festival was shut down. It was still a lot of fun, though!
Sunday was the same as always ---busy, busy, busy! Hubs preached on final judgement (corporate and personal) and it was an excellent sermon.
After church, we came home and had lunch and then prepared for our full evenings back at church. As I said -- busy.
SO - that was our wonderful weekend-- how was yours?

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