
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday - My Top 10 Favorite TV Shows (right now)

I can't seem to find time to complete any of the "meaty" posts that I have in my head to post, so I thought I would do a really fun post today. Amanda over at OhAmanda hosts Top Ten Tuesdays. I recently found her blog and it's great. If you don't read it, you should go check it out.

So, tonight I thought I'd participate by doing a Top Ten of my own. Plus - I thought it might be fun to look back someday and remember what my favorites once were!

Now, with out further top favorite TV shows as of today.

1. LOST -
I love this show! I am really sad that this is the last season.
For all you Losties out there, I've got two things to say:
I love Hurley and I really do think there is hope for Sayid!
2. I heart NCIS.
I find all the back episodes in reruns
and watch them .

3. If you have not seen Undercover Boss,you have to
check it out! It is a reality show that is worth seeing!

4. House --- Even though the title
character is, well- just mean. I like this show.

5. The Big Bang Theory is hilarious!

6. Survivor- Heroes versus Villains! I think I'm partial to the Heroes

7. CSI

8. Criminal Minds - Sometimes this show creeps
me out and I can't watch but it is really
interesting when I do.

9. American Idol - I always get sucked in!
And I think I want Kara's haircut!

10. Friends -
Old I know. BUT I love watching reruns of this show.
It never gets old!

You wanna join in for Top Ten Tuesday? Go see Amanda!
in HIM-



    Hurley is my favorite and we're all pulling for Amanda to win!

  2. Have you seen parenthood?!?

    its soooooo good!

    p.s. thanks for popping over to pbd!
