
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Things I Love Thursdays

Today I discovered through my new friend, Jessie, at The Vanderbilt Wife that Jill, over at Diaper Diaries hosts Things I Love Thursdays. I thought it would be a great idea for me to participate in this today as what I wanted to tell you all about fits perfectly!!!

See, I wanted to tell you all about a new thing that I LOVE and it is Thursday. See? Fits perfectly!!!

SO - what is it that I am loving? It is the new bible study that I am doing at church. Last fall I went to the Deeper Still Conference where some pretty great women were speaking. Maybe you've heard of them? Beth Moore, Kay Arther and Priscilla Shirer? I thought you might know them! Anyway, all three of them are WONDERFUL speakers. Kay Arthur laid it all out for us all and Beth is always awesome! This was my first time ever to hear Priscilla speak. I thought she was great and since that time have been wanting to do one of her studies!

I needed a break from it all after the fall study but I knew when God was ready for me to begin another study again, He would lead me to a study. And when I began looking for a study, One In A Million jumped off the shelf at me. But then my friend showed me another great study and so we looked at both of them. We read the descriptions on the back and flipped through the pages. After that I knew that God was leading me to lead Priscilla Shirer's One In A Million. It was exactly what our church needed and it was the perfect time.

We began last Sunday and I am LOVING this study. Priscilla tells it like it is and I, for one, am in need of a good toe stomping right about now. I, along with about 25 other women in my church, am working on becoming One In A Million!!!

And that leaves me wondering .......Are you doing a bible study right now that you are loving?

Now, I must go. I have to go pack for my impromptu trip to Raleigh tomorrow. Ya'll say a prayer for my sweet hubby who is willing to let me go away for an overnight trip even though two of our kids -- the littlest two--- have strep throat. So pray for the little ones that they will feel better. We began the antibiotics tonight but I fear we need a couple more doses before it really starts to help. SO pray for them and for my awesome husband who is Super Dad!!!!

I will be back to tell you all about my trip! I'm very excited! Don't forget to go on over and see what everyone else loves over at The Diaper Diaries!

in HIM-


  1. LOVED this study; did it last fall. We finished up Jennifer Rothschild's "Me, Myself, and Lies" which was also a great study. But Priscilla's? Spot on with where I'm living these days.



  2. Thanks for linking to me! Ironically, I worked a lot on One in a Million in my old job--with the community of women who tested the study out.

