
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010 (FINALLY - and LOTS of pictures)

Our Easter started very early. Hubs was up and out about 5:30 AM to have a little time to prepare before going to the community Sunrise Service. I decided it was best if the rest of us didn't attend the Sunrise Service. B is at that age where being still for any amount of time seems to be torture.....or maybe it is just him. He isn't even still when he is sleeping.
We didn't sleep in though. We had to be at church by 8 AM so everyone was up by 6AM. We ate breakfast and then checked out what was in our baskets. A had written the Easter Bunny a note. She was very upset that we didn't dye Easter Eggs and wanted to let him know that she was sorry......

The Easter Bunny wrote her back and told her that was ok!
They found baskets full of candy, flip flops for the girls, new Sunday Shoes for B, headbands for the girls.....and these other great things....

Goggles for the girls.....

Animal shaped "eggs" with candy.....

Fluorescent Finger Nail Polish.....the girls found that the Easter Bunny shops at Justice.

A hat for B, and a dog......

Then we got ready and headed out for church. I did try to get one picture of all 4 kids before we left for church. It didn't go well.
The girls sang with the "echo" choir (aka children's choir) along with the adult choir in both the 8:30 and 11AM services....They did a fantastic job. No pictures of that. I took my camera but couldn't get a good shot.
After church we came home and I did some pictures before going in the house.
This is the best we got of all 4 of them.

B......he ate quite a bit of chocolate at church apparently. It was all over. Luckily it washed out well. And yes, that is a peep in his hand.
This is his face when anyone says "Say Cheese!"

Miss M

Miss A

L didn't want to have her picture made again.
We got a LOT of pictures like this one.....

Then we finally got this one.....
silly girl!

We then made ourselves sandwiches for lunch. An aside here. I'm always a bit sad on Easter because as a child I spent Easter with so much family. We would go to church and then to my Mom's parents house for lunch with all of my cousins. It's a lot of cousins - my mom is one of 6 kids. We always had an Easter Egg hunt. THEN we'd go home and rest for a bit and then go to my Dad's parents for supper and another Easter Egg hunt with more cousins. He's one of 5 kids!
I so miss that on Easter!!!!!
ok - back to our lunch. We made sandwiches, grabbed the chips and some fruit and had a picnic on our patio.
Afterward was a lot of playing outside in the gorgeous weather!
And we talked to some sweet friends on the phone!

Rode bikes and scooters.....
B insisted on wearing A's bike helmet!

A did some hula hooping for us......

And tried to teach B.......

Then M told her that her favorite kind of music is country and sang me the country song she made up......

Then it was naptime for B and then girls played inside and outside some. K and I both took small naps. After that we went and ate Mexican for supper.
SO - even though I miss the big meals and cousins and business that I once knew on Easter, I really did enjoy my quiet Easter at home with my little family!
in HIM-


  1. Great pictures! The note to the Easter Bunny cracked me up!

  2. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!

  3. Super sweet!!

    I just want to know what you do with the girls' clothes when they outgrow them??? :)

  4. First, kids are all darling, loved their outfits!

    Second, you are a way better mother than me. My four kids got gift cards this year. I told them I would do up big baskets for them per usual or just give them a gift card for the amount of the contents. They opted for gift cards. How wretched am I?

    Thirdly, we had a great day as a family. No extras were around, so the 6 of us made a relaxing day of things and had Mexican for lunch.

    I enjoyed this Easter more than any other I can remember. Partly because I was very intentional about making the pilgrimage to the cross this year; grace has never tasted so sweet to me.

    Thanks for stopping by today; it was great hearing from you. Keep me posted on your summer activities. I'll be in and out as this move will be one of the biggest we have ever made as a family. Please pray for my sanity, friend, and that the bishop will soon clue us in as to where we're headed.


  5. I am the loser mom who didn't even get a picture of her kids for Easter this year. :((

    And you asked about house location. We are 2 miles off the freeway on the Sulphur Springs Road exit (next one south past Rising Fawn). I can be at Hamilton Place in 35 minutes...wahooo!!! :))

    Love you girl! Wish you could come home for New Salem's women's thing I'm going to speak at for your mom. Looking forward to it...

  6. Good gracious, your family is ADORABlE and your blog is so fun too! Looking forward to getting to know you better! Thanks for being a blessing today!

    Mama to Quadruplets

  7. I love the different colors of their outfits. Very Eastery.
