
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Tree Day!!!

WOW! I'm busy. I LOVE Christmas but I always feel really stressed to get it all done. BUT I'm excited about my to do list because it is such fun stuff!!!! =)

Last night was our Children's program at church. I know I'm a bad Mom....I didn't take not one picture of anybody. I was running the sound for the play and just didn't even think about it. Bad Mom -- I know! BUT, the play was precious. I'm hoping that I can put a plea out on FB and at church and some of the wonderful folks who were there will share their pics with me.

Also this week --I'm behind on my Christmas shopping so there is lots to do in that area. Maybe tomorrow. I've got lots of decorating still to do....I've not even got the decorations out yet. YIKES! I'm also hosting the staff Christmas party next week so I have that to get ready for too!

I'm so excited about today though. DO you know what today is? That is right! Today is Christmas Tree Day at our house! We were going to go this Saturday but since the weather is "iffy" and we are traveling even further up into the mountains to get our tree, we are going today.
We are even getting our older girls out of school early because it is a 2 hour drive to where we are going......shhhh. don't tell on us! Plus I've created great excitement in the kids because they know I'm getting them out of school early but they don't know why. I hope they aren't disappointed! It is only in the 30's where we are headed today so we are going to be cold but I'm so excited.
Hubs has a friend whose family runs a Christmas Tree Farm and we are going there to get our tree and greenery and such. We are excited to get to visit with his family, too! Last year we didn't get to visit with the family -- they were out of town so we are very excited about it all.

SO - ya'll have a great Thursday but I must go. It's that time of year and I've gotta get going.
But I'm also very nostalgic this time of year. Come back tomorrow and we will talk all about that!

Say a prayer for safe travel for us today.
See ya tomorrow!!! I will try and remember to take some pics today.....

In HIM -


  1. How fun! Safe travels and Happy Tree Day!

  2. Oh have fun getting your tree! That sounds like a really fun day. Be safe and enjoy your family.
