
Monday, November 16, 2009

How Beautiful!

Dear Breaking Free Girls,

I'm so sad that our journey together is over. I hope that you feel like this study has changed your life. I know that it has changed mine. Now is the time to go forward in our own journeys without the daily lessons to spur you on. My hope for you as you go is that you will remember what you've learned and how far you've come in the last couple of months.
Keep on the right trek of breaking free from the things that are keeping you from having those amazing benefits in your relationship with Christ. Keep on praying for one another and keep on reading your bible.
A few things we learned that I wanted to remind you of on this first day of being completely 'on your own'.

**Don't forget what we learned from the Kings we studied! Tear down those high places -- we don't want to pass those things on to the next generation.

**Don't forget those huge obstacles to the awesome benefits and get do the work to get rid of those obstacles. Lay them on the alter and let them go!

**Remember that HE is God! He has the Right to Rule and His Rule is Right!!!

**Remember that He loves you UNFAILINGLY!!!! Give HIM your whole heart -- every ugly little part and let HIM change it and make it new!!! Read Ephesians 3:14-21 here -- this was my favorite scripture reference from that week!

**Remember the battle of the mind and the steps you learned to put ON the TRUTH! If you haven't already -- buy those cards and start working on replacing lies with truth. Take those thoughts captive!!!!

**Lastly, don't forget to write your binding agreement with God. Make a covenant with him and get serious about it!

Do all of these things and imagine the beauty you will have as a true display of HIS splendor! And! AND!!!! Remember what we heard Beth say last night?!!? People are drawn to us when we are truly a display of HIS splendor. YOU can be a part of a REAL revival in the life of others in your life, in our church and in our community.
And isn't that our purpose that we have learned? We are here to know Christ and make HIM known to others!!
What an awesome responsibility. Are you up for the task? Are you ready? Let's get going together!
And check this out --- This song is about Jesus. But remember you are HIS bride --- Make yourself ready for HIM and become a magnificent display of HIS splendor reflecting HIS character!

I love each one of you and can't wait to do join you for another journey. Be looking for information on that soon.

in HIM --

********PS*********** For those of you who are reading my blog and wondering what in the world this is all about ---- you MUST do this study at your church. And I got a flyer in the mail that said Ms. Beth has just updated the whole shebang! Go do it now. You won't be sorry!!!!
Have a fabulous Monday everyone ----- I have two loads of laundry to fold and put away and a little boy that just woke from a nap!

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