
Monday, November 9, 2009

Hokie Heaven

I mentioned on Friday that hubs and I were getting away for a couple of days. Well ---- I have a confession to make. I had Friday's post scheduled to appear then because we actually left on Thursday.

We let A and M skip school on Friday (I know! Bad parents we are!) and so we left as soon as they got off the bus on Thursday. We met my in-laws on the way and they took all 4 kids for a couple of nights.So, we drove to "Hokie Heaven" which is my in- laws mountain home near Blacksburg, VA. Hubs and I had that evening and the following morning to ourselves. It was really wonderful. We've not had a night completely alone since before B was born so it was so NICE!
The view from Hokie Heaven....pretty huh?

Hubs and I took a pic. of ourselves with the view!

Our friends arrived sometime after lunch on Friday. Since our friend, Rob, is a graduate of VT, we decided to spend the late afternoon/early evening in Blacksburg. We drove through campus and then went downtown and walked around. Checking out of the maroon and orange! Matter of fact, hubs and I bought B the cutest Hokie shirt in honor of hubs step dad who also attended VT. It is adorable!

We went and ate supper of Cabo Fish Taco (delish) and then had dessert here....

On Saturday we ate a great breakfast and then went to the Draper Valley Overlook and saw this.
And took a few pics!!!
We then took a detour and ended up an hour away, sick to our stomachs from the curvy mountain roads just to have to turn around and go back the way we came. SO much for an adventure.

Saturday afternoon we drove back to meet the inlaws and get the kids. The kids were all so excited to see us which made this Mama so happy!!! We had supper and then headed home.

It was a wonderful weekend! Now we are back to reality!

Hope ya'll have a great Monday. I doubt there is anyone out there who doesn't read McMama's blog but just in case you don't know. Stellan is having his ablation today (RIGHT NOW) instead of tomorrow. Be in prayer for them!!!!

In HIM --


  1. Beautiful pictures!

    So glad you could get away -- everybody needs time away from the routine.

  2. Sounds like you did have one great weekend. The pics of the scenery are awesome! Just beautiful! Glad you got the chance to get away with your hubby.

  3. If you are close enough to Va for a weekend drive are you fairly close to Virginia Beach?
    It's nice to hear that there are other people in the same boat with sick babies. Hopefully since he's breastfed he will be able to fight off most things!
