
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Blue Ridge Parkway

I am lucky enough blessed enough! to live near the Blue Ridge Parkway. This past Sunday after church hubs and I decided to take some family time and go for lunch and then a drive up on the parkway. The kids didn't think that sounded like a lot of fun -- they wanted to go to a park. Especially M. But we promised her she would have a good time and off we went. We ate lunch at our favorite Mexican Restaurant because it is fast and cheap. And by cheap - I mean my family of 6 can eat there for about $25 (including the tip!) I know, right? Can't beat it! Then we headed up the parkway. Most of the leaves had already fallen so it wasn't as beautiful as I had hoped on the way up. I did enjoy looking at the big, beautiful houses that I could see since the leaves had already fallen off the trees. Silver lining at it best.
Then we got to an overlook. And decided we'd hike up for a better look.
.2 miles feels like a long way when it is straight up.
M. "Take my picture climbing this rock.!"
Going straight down was almost as hard as going up.
God's handiwork!
We got to the bottom to find some church folks were there, too
The kids had a great time playing
And B had a good time finding his bellybutton.
And then they played Hide and Go Seek.
SO cute!
And as usual, B made friends with a dog we met there.
Headed back to the car!
I loved how the fog was setting in!
It was a wonderful family afternoon. Smile.
in HIM -


  1. what gorgeous photos!!!

    and little buddy checking out his bellybutton is absolutely precious!

  2. Those are beautifully awesome pictures. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, but mostly i appreciate the prayers for my family as we move. It has been a hard summer without Dad and trying to sell our home in a crashed market. Now the kids face leaving good friends. God is good and He provided this amazing job...I know He will continue to provide.

    Looks like y'all had a great time! To tell ya the truth, I would much rather live in your neck of the woods than where we are moving! I love the hills!

  4. Beautiful pictures, how wonderful to see kids having fun.
