
Friday, October 30, 2009

Party Weekend Part 2 - A is 8!

Last Saturday, we had a small birthday party for A who turned 8 on October 20. She has been SOOOOO excited about her birthday. For two whole weeks before hand, she got off the bus every day looking for "stuff" in the mail or her. She was expecting cards and gifts to start arriving at any moment. And she did get some cards before her birthday and a gift or two from grandparents who couldn't attend the party.

On her actual birthday, she wore a pin to school that said "birthday princess" and took cupcakes and juice boxes so that everyone could celebrate with her.

Her new favorite color is blue and so that was her request for the decorations. We invited our neighbors down and A got to invite one friend from school over.

Eating cake

Opening gifts....she loved this part =)

She received 3 board games. She has loved playing them all!

And she got some "cool" new clothes from Grammy.

These clothes came from A's favorite clothing store, Justice.

I am sad that these clothes are beginning to look less like

my cute little girl and a whole lot like a big girl.

One of the games that A received was a new Twister Hopscotch Game.

These are pics of the girls playing it outside.

Miss M.

Miss L and Miss R.

They were going to pass one another in the middle.

A's friend Miss A. She is such a sweet girl!

Miss A and Miss E --

they were passing each other

while singing and dancing.

Dear A,

I can hardly believe that you are 8 years old now! I feel like you were just born yesterday and I blinked and now you are 8. You are such a great daughter and sister and friend, Miss A. You love your sisters and mother them as much as you can get away with. And for B you act like his second Mother. You are incredibly smart and make straight A's so far in second grade. We are very proud of you!

You absolutely LOVE to read and will go through books in a few days if you have your way. I'm beginning to see a glimpse of grown up behavior from you. Just this morning I heard you say to L,

"L, if you find my American Girl Doll toy, would you please just put it on my bed?"

I was amazed and pleased that you were so calm and understanding with your little sister. In the past when your sisters have played with your stuff without asking, it was a huge deal and you would be very upset. To hear you be calm and kind to L even though she had gotten your new stuff made me so proud of you.

I'm a little sad, though, too. I'm sad that you are getting so grown up. I love you simply because you are you -- and I love you more than you will ever know! And your Daddy does, too!

Love, Momma

in HIM-


  1. Here from Lynnette's! Happy Birthday A!! It looks like you had a great party!

  2. Hi! I am visiting from Lynnette's. :) You children are beautiful! Aren't birthday's fun?

  3. Isn't it sad to go shopping now and realize the clothes are so 'grown up'. E turns 8 in two weeks. Where has the time gone?

    Looks like a great day! I need to check out that Twister game - my girls love games!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Stopping by from Lynnette's to say Hi. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I have a daughter that turned 8 in September, and I agree about the clothing.


  5. Hi there!
    Yes, doesn't time just fly way too fast with or little one's? But I do love planning the birthday parties! ;)

    Just stopping by from LYNETTE'S blog....

    :) Have a fabulous day!

  6. Hi! I am stopping by from Lynnette's blog. You have such a sweet family. Your letter to your daughter made me tear up as I think of my girls growing up as well. It does go to fast!

    Have a great Halloween weekend!

  7. Stopping by from Lynnette's Blog... Very special belated Happy Birthday wishes To A! I have a second grade (boy) myself and I am amzed at how grown up they are becoming. We better not blink again or they will be teenagers!! :)


  8. Well, Jude nor Clara made it to be born on your daughter's birthday. Now we have a Fall birthday too, though.

  9. Happy Birthday to Miss A! I know what you mean about them getting so big all of a sudden. My oldest just turned 9 :( Time does go by so fast!

  10. What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog also.. (I came from Lynette's) and hope that we can be bloggy friends. I love your blog.

  11. Happy birthday to you daughter!!

    Just stopping over from Lynnette's blog. congrats for being featured today!

  12. Aw, such sweet pictures! Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! I'm stopping by from Lynnette's blog. So good to get to know you!

  13. Looks like a wonderful party!
    good to visit with you ... coming over from Lynette's blog
    Sweet Blessings!

  14. Like the other's i have popped over from Lynette's. Your post today and your beautiful letter really hit my heart. My little girl is 8 also and im watching her grow into a young lady. I just pray and hope i have raised her well and she lives her life full of love and laughter.

  15. There are a lot of us with 8 year olds! What a delightful age it is.

    Your pictures are a lot of fun. I enjoyed visiting. I'm coming from Lynnette's Blog - because I'm Lynnette! :) ha! Just being silly.

    I'm glad you signed up for Getting to know YOU. You were fun to introduce.


  16. Also Getting to Know you from Lynnette's. Your children ARE beautiful. Coincidentally, I have a brand new 8 year old too! (as of TODAY!) It goes SO fast...

  17. Hello Mindy! I'm visiting from Lynnette's blog as well. You have beautiful children! I have a son who will be 8 in February. Time goes by so quickly, I cherish each moment with him! Your letter to your daughter was a blessing to read. Congrats on being the featured blogger!

  18. Visiting from Lynnette's blog. Have a great weekend!!

  19. What sweet babies you have! Looks like everyone had fun at the b'day party. Will be stopping by more often to visit now, found you from Lynette's blog. Hug those babies real tight. They're growing up right now.

  20. Hi I am visiting from Lynnette's blog,...I am her mom Linda. Your kids are so cute. Happy birthday to A. I loved your note to her.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  21. thanks for the follow... I am now following you too :)
    Sweet Blessings!

  22. Looks like a great party! Glad you & A had a fun! :)
    I came over via Lynnette's blog! :)
    ((hugs & blessings))

  23. Sweet precious children! Visiting from Lynnette's. Be blessed!

