
Saturday, October 17, 2009


I am happy to have the opportunity to tell you all about a great book. O2 is written by Richard Dahlstrom. This book is well written and gave me a whole lot of things to ponder in regard to my walk with the Lord.
While not a quick read, due to stopping to fully ponder what I was taking in, it is well worth the time it takes to read this book. It's a great reminder to breathe in and out! Thank you,Litfuse, for providing me a copy of this great book to review!

About the book:
Your physical body needs oxygen in order to survive. Inhale, exhale ... one leads naturally to the other. Inhale too long and you feel as if your lungs will burst. Exhale too long and you get light-headed.

The same rhythm is essential in the life of faith. You inhale life-giving strength from God through things like prayer, study, solitude, and silence. You exhale generosity, hospitality, and service to the poor. If you try to do one without the other, you wont' last very long.

This fresh perspective on the classic disciplines of the faith will empower you to process the oxygen of the Spirit. Discover how you can develop a balanced spirituality that reflects the life of Jesus and keeps your faith growing stronger.

About Richard: Richard Dahlstrom is Senior Pastor of Bethany Community Church in Seattle, WA, in the heart of the city, among university students, young professionals, families, the homeless, and the elderly. He is also a popular teacher in North America and Europe for the Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers. He holds a M.Div. from Talbot Theological Seminary.
And if you'd like, you can get the Study Guide:

Win a signed copy of 02 for yourself! There are two ways to enter! The winners will be announced 10/26.

Jump over to Pastor Richard’s blog “Pastoral Musings from Rain City” ( ) and leave a comment between October 5th and October 24th. Just say hi or tell Pastor Richard what you liked about his book, or share with him how you’ve experienced ‘new life’ in your faith!

See what everyone else thinks about this book:

Hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday!!!
See ya soon!

in HIM -

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