
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School 2009

Since the first day of school was a week ago today, I know I am a little late but last week was a crazy week getting things started. Plus, I never said it here, but hubs was out of town at the Royce and Jane Reynolds Leadership Program ( I'm very proud of him), so it was a hectic week all the way around. Soccer started last week, too so that is taking a lot of our time also. Not to mention the party planning I was doing.....

Anyway - the first day of school......

Miss M was so excited to be going to 1st grade this year. When we arrived her teachers were dressed as pirates.

What fun first grade looks like!!!!

Miss A is now in second grade. She was so nervous about starting the new school year. She was so sad when I left her at the school, I cried. But thankfully by the time she got home -- she was loving second grade!

It seems that their favorite part of the day is riding the bus home from school. I really didn't like this idea and still don't much, but knowing that B is now 1 and will be dropping his morning nap, I felt that it was necessary for his naptime's sake. And they LOVE it. SO. for now. it is the way we will do things.

Miss L. actually started school a whole week and a day before her sisters did. She loved that she got to do something first. That is a big deal when you are third in line to start things and were the baby until a year ago.
She absolutely loves going to preK 5 morning a week this year and she is loving her teacher!

After school on the first day, we join some friends for an ice cream treat. Thanks for the invite K! We had a blast and what a wonderful idea. Everyone enjoyed the ice cream!

Have a wonderful Tuesday every one!!!! FINALLY!!! I got my post done. Thanks Blogger!

in HIM -

1 comment:

  1. Awww ... the girls are SO beautiful! I know you and Ken are proud!
