
Monday, August 31, 2009

A Year of B

Wow! Mr. B is now one year old.....See how he's grown!!!

Newborn ( I had no idea he was so blue!)
One day old.(The blueness is fading)

September-1 month old....

October - 2 months old...

November - 3 months old

December - 4 months old...

January -5 months old

February - 6 months old....

March - 7 months old....

April - 8 months old....

May - 9 months old....

June - 9 months old...

July - 10 months old....

August- 11 months old....
1 year old......

Baby Boy!,
You have changed so much in the last year. You are such a sweet boy and you LOVE your sisters!!!! The first day that we went to meet their school bus, you clapped when you saw them get off the bus. You've grown and changed so much this past year. We've watched as you learned to smile (1 month old), hold your head up and coo at us (2 months old), sit up (5 months old), crawl and pull up (7 months old).
You FINALLY got your first tooth at 11 months old (it's the lower left front tooth!) and the other lower front tooth is starting to show through now, too. You've learned to the signs for eat, more, please, night-night and thank you. However, you'd rather just scream at me and point than use the signs. But - we are working on that.
You can also say uh-oh and ball at this point.
I can't wait to see what the next year brings. I'm sure you will be walking soon as you've already taken a couple of steps toward me.
We are so blessed that God gave us a little boy to join our brood of girls. I hope that you will always love your sisters as much as you do now. I've been amazed to watch you and see how different you are than they were at your age. It is such a testament to the innate things God put into you as a boy! You already push everything on the ground and you LOVE your cars and trucks. You LOVE to dig in the dirt and be dirty and you are constantly on the move. You definitely keep me busy.
I hope you will always know how loved you are by your daddy, sisters and me!!!
Be back tomorrow to share the birthday party with you all! It was such fun!
Have a great Monday everyone!
In HIM -


  1. Awww ... he is just such a blessing and getting SO big!!

  2. Love this baby boy - he is so sweet!!! The party was great!!
