
Monday, August 24, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

My Mom thought I'd been taking the summer off from menu-planning. I haven't. Just haven't been posting them for whatever reason....but I'm back at it now.

School starts for my big girls tomorrow. I've decided to try and send them to school with healthy lunches this year for the most part....I will probably let them have pizza there if they like. Plus, I'm pretty sure I can feed them for less than the cost of buying a lunch at school. We will see. I'm also *hoping* to be able to get myself up in time to do my time with God, get ready and fix them breakfast most days, and be on our way to school by 7:30. We will see -- this might be a pipe dream.

SO, here is my menu plan for this first week of school including all three meals of the day.


breakfast: cereal
lunch: Tijuana Torta ( I'm trying this at home before school starts to see if they like it. If so we will send it in lunch boxes)
supper: Going to pick up my Mom. Grab something on the way.

breakfast: cheddar apple melts
lunch: PB& honey (local that I got at the FM this weekend) sandwiches, fruit, carrot sticks, a few chips maybe
supper: Pinto Beans, mac and cheese, friend potatoes and corn bread

breakfast: cereal
lunch: Turkey roll-ups, fruit, veggies/dip
supper: Hamburger steaks, green beans, sweet potatoes

breakfast: Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins
lunch: whole grain crackers, cheese, veggies and fruit
supper: Take my Mom back-- grab something or Leftover's Night (depends on the time)

breakfast: oatmeal
lunch: pb&j, veggies
supper: Salmon cakes, fried okra, brown rice

Saturday --
still up in the air because a) we have soccer practice at some point.....and b) It's Mr. B's first birthday party -- he turns 1 on Wednesday!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
Wanto to see more Menu's to help you plan your meals this week. Go on over to Laura's place and check them out!

I'll be back later in the morning with the winner for the book giveaway.

Have a super blessed Monday everyone!

in HIM -

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