
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Fabulous Weekend

Last Thursday evening, we loaded everyone in the car and started toward Greensboro, NC to visit Granddaddy and Nana. We stopped here on the way and ate supper -- well *I* had supper....everyone else had breakfast. We arrived very late and transferred everyone to bed....except for B who decided to play for a while. But we finally all went to bed....late, but we finally made it.

On Friday morning, we decided to go to a city park in Burlington, NC. It was great fun and they had rides for the kids, a playground and even a train to ride on...

We played for a while and then went to eat lunch and they we went shopping!!! Which I loved (of course). We didn't stay long but I managed to get a few things while I was there and was even treated by Nana L. (THANK YOU!!!!) I can't wait to wear my new wares =). After a few shops, the men and Mama Bea (hubs grandmother who will be 93 this coming Friday) had had enough of the shopping so we headed home.
It was a great evening at Granddaddy and Nana's house. Here are a few shots of how we spent our evening....
We rode around on the Gator....

We played on the swingset....

We helped water the plants....and Granddaddy and Daddy, too.
Which turned into very watered little girls!
B and I watched from the sidelines. After the watering - was baths, pizza and fireworks before we all fell into bed for the night.
On Saturday we went to the Zoo.
We saw lots and lots of animals, of course. And took tons of pictures, too (I'll spare you all of them)....but we also had to get a picture of this animal.
The inch worm we found on a bench.
We walked and walked til we couldn't walk anymore and saw everything there was to see at the zoo. Then we got souvenirs (THANKS NANA L!!)
B got the cutest hat and a cute little lion cub stuffed animal.
The girls left with their own baby animals.....
A got a baby Polar Bear which she named Penelope.
M got an Elephant whose name changes from Elafini to Elizabeth to Ella.
L got a Giraffe, she named Ginger after her aunt.
It was a wonderful and tiring day. We ate a wonderful supper and then went to bed to get ready for Sunday.
Hubs got to preach at his home churches Homecoming. It was very neat being in the church where he grew up...well - we weren't really in the church. Homecoming was held in the Arbor.
Check out how long they've been celebrating homecoming this way.
The view from the back...
And the church itself...

It was a great day. After the service, I got to meet a lot of people who knew my husband growing up which was really cool. There was a covered dish after the service and let's just be honest.....Covered dishes have the B.E.S.T. food!!!! SO many casseroles made from homegrown veggies! YUM!!!

And did I mention the best part of all? I got to have a Caramel Macchiato from here twice!!!!
It was a near perfect weekend.
Ya'll have a great day!!!


  1. FUN! We need to go to the zoo badly! We need to get your header fixed up there!

  2. Hey Mindy,
    I love your new look. Glad you had some good family time.

  3. I'm so honored she named her giraffe after me!! Choked me up! :) Love you!

  4. That looks like a great weekend--especially the caramel macchiatos! :-)
