
Friday, July 17, 2009

Blessing at Martha's Park

On Monday, I woke up early to do my bible study and have some quiet time with God. It was great and I wanted to share with ya'll the view I saw that morning. That is what the picture above is. Isn't it beautiful?

After breakfast, I loaded the kids into the car and drove the two hours back to the little town we used to live in. We were blessed so much to see our friends and play at the park. Martha's Park is one of the best parks I've ever seen. It has lots of swings, and climbing things to play on. It has grassy areas to run in and sheltered picnic tables. And bathrooms.....and while they weren't the cleanest bathrooms I've ever seen, bathrooms are important for little girls. But the BEST part of Martha's Park is that they have a splash pad! We met our friends there and had a picnic lunch and played for a few hours. Here are some pictures from our day.

Playing in the water with our friends....

Little Miss L. was loving the watermelon...

Mr. C was eating a cupcake and this was what his cute face looked like....

And since we were laughing at him, he hammed it up and added some more chocolate to his face.

Little Miss S.....she is getting SO big!!!

Ms. G came to visit with us on her lunch break. SO sweet!

Mrs. L and my B.

Miss L and B. She was so sweet to him!

These two cracked me up. Bending over to try and see each other....

And this one is, "No, you cannot have my fruit roll up!"

Miss L. tries out the sprinklers

Silly Girls!

The ones who were still around at the end of the day
M. took a picture of the adults. She did a great job!
And the one we took of ourselves....

It was a great day! Can't wait til you all come visit us in the mountains!!!!


  1. You know how much I LOVE Martha's park. We were just there last Tuesday evening. There really is no better park around here.

    I wish I would've known you were coming! You really aren't THAT far away, are you?

  2. What fun! Beautiful kids and mommas!

  3. This was one of my FAVORITE DAYS of summer so far... I think we all had soo much fun!!! We can't wait to come visit you!
