
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Catching My Breath

In my bible study this morning, I came across Psalm 34. I looked it up in the Message and this is what I found....

Psalm 34: 17- 19 (The Message)

Is anyone crying out for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you.
If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there.
If you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath.
Disciples so often get in trouble; Still God is there every time

I don't know about for you, but for me that is good news! Cause girls, I can get myself in whole heap of trouble. I'm so glad to know that he is ready to rescue me when I cry out for his help and when I'm brokenhearted.
Today though, the line in this that is speaking to me the most is the one that speaks of being kicked in the gut. There are many, many things in the life of a pastor's family that make me feel like I've been kicked in the gut.....

Moving to a new place and realizing that people don't like you simply because you aren't someone else.....

Thinking that real relationships are being created and then something happens that shows you how far away from friendship you really are....

The realization that people don't want to be your friend because you are the "preacher's family" and you wouldn't understand their struggles.....

The hurtful rumors that get spread about you and your family....

The situations that make you feel like you're "damned if you do and your damned if you don't" in the real sense of that saying......

When you are trying so hard to pray and seek God's will for a place and yet no on gets that.....

And to be truthful, there are many things in our lives individually that make us feel like we've been kicked in the gut, too, huh?

Like when we are trying to do something for our spouse and it is taken the wrong way......

Or when we are doing what is best for our children and they tell us they hate us or that we are ruining their lives.....

When our friends seem not to want us around anymore.....

I wonder today, how many of you out there need to catch your breath? I know that there are others out there who need that this day. Praise the Lord that HE will help us all catch out breath!

Let it be, Lord. Let it be.


  1. Oh, how I needed this verse and this message today. Bless you sweetie for sharing it.

  2. Great verse!! I LOVE the "real" way that the MESSAGE is written!! Thanks!! :o)

  3. This was beautifully written. I can't speak from being a pastor's family but I have had "kicked in the gut" moments. What is terrible... I mean I should know better... is that I don't take everything to the Lord right away. WHY? I try to struggle through things before I realize that God is the one who... like you said... breathes through it for me.

    EXCELLENT post.

  4. This was beautiful, Mindy. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  5. Been there and done that, sweet Mindy. Praying you will have some relationship break throughs and that those you serve would truly understand how much the pastor's family is invested in their lives.
