
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Belmont Trip 2009

Last week my girls were invited to come stay a week with some friends in Belmont, NC. They had a blast. They got to attend bible school at the church we served while we were there. M and L really don't remember being there at all since they were 17 months and 2 1/2 when we moved. A remembers somethings since she was 4 when we moved. It was nice for them to get to meet new (old) friends and know the people they hear their dad and I talk about.

I drove down on Thursday afternoon and went to VBS myself. It was wonderful getting to see all those dear friends again! And see how much their kids had grown, too. I wish I would've had more time to sit and chat with all those folks.....maybe next time!

On Friday, the girls went over to Mrs. Tina's house while her daughter, Wendy, B and I went shopping in Charlotte. I had two gift cards for this store that had been burning a hold in my pocket since Christmas and I finally got to go use them. I was very overwhelmed when I got to the store though. There are just SO many things that I love at this place.....I had a hard time choosing.....I mean I really wanted just about everything in the store. I finally settled on these two planters.....They look just beautiful on my I just have to find some thing to plant in them. Any suggestions?

Then we moved on to this mall. If you live near Charlotte or you go there to visit, you should go to this mall. It is the best!!!! Matter of fact, I'm planning a trip to Charlotte for our youth girls in the fall to go to this event. We might just stay a day longer so we can get some shopping in!!!! =)

We spent the night on Friday and then played in Mrs. Tina's pool on Saturday morning for a while longer before we had to leave. Mrs. Tina and Mr. Donald Duck (as the girl's call him) are another set of grandparents to my kids. And their three kids are like more aunts and uncles. We love you, W family, so much and appreciate all you do for us more than we can ever say.

Here are a few pictures of the fun on Saturday.

Miss M jumping in!
I love the look on her face!

And now it's A's turn.

Miss L. won't let got of the side to jump in yet....

Mr. B was cheering everyone on!

Here are all the girls in their get-up's. No one in our family swims yet. We are signed up for lessons in a few weeks. And since we joined the pool, I'm hoping we learn this year.

After we got out of the pool, M had to read us the book she had made. This book included the words "pbskidsdotorg". She is so funny. And in typical M fashion, she made the reading of her book and long dramatic event.

Here is A with Julie listening to M.'s story.

Reading the story took so long, now A is sitting with Wendy.

Here is a shot of the W ladies and our kids.

Then they insisted on taking a picture of me with my kids. It is a terrible shot of me but I love that you can see Mrs. Tina in the door in the background trying to get everyone to smile.

Ya'll have a great Thursday! We are headed to a church member's pool this afternoon where some of the youth girls are going to be. I'm hoping they can teach my kids to swim!!!!


  1. What a nice few days you've had! Summer should be fun and it sounds like you are doing just that.

    I've been catching up this morning, reading some of your posts that I'd missed. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Looks like fun! My kids love to spout off pbskidsdotorg and visit there on a regular basis!

    Thank you so much for your prayers for my boys and I during our recent scare. I'm so thankful for the support I received, and know that prayers is what has brought us through.

  3. Hey! I had a blast yesterday! I got a few pics posted for you to see. I'll finish up once I get back. Talk to you soon. Hope you like them.
