
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun -2009

I want to start out by telling ya'll a little bit about our "Brunch With The Bunny" that we did at church on Saturday. It was so, so much fun. I have no pictures because I was too busy helping with the event.....sorry about that. It was fun for the kids though. We had a brunch for the families who came and the Easter Bunny was there to do photo's with the kids. Then we did a small skit to tell the Easter Story. And last we had an egg hunt. It was loads of fun.

A couple of the kids said the funniest things to the Easter Bunny. One little boy was standing by the bunny and said "Hey. THe Easter Bunny has on tennis shoes!" His mom thought really fast and said " That's because he has to run real fast to make it around the world in one night."

Another little girl wanted to know why the bunny wasn't hopping and was, instead walking. My answer to her was that it was because he was saving up his enegy for the night. The funniest thing about it was that sweet little girl, she gave that bunny a knowing nod like she totally understood his plight! =)

Such a fun day. We heard lots of great compliments on the morning and hope to make it an annual event.

We then did so much running around on Saturday afternoon and had a baby shower to go to on Saturday night that I didn't get to do the Resurrection Cookies I wanted to do with my girls.....bummer. Hopefully next year we can do that.

Easter 2009 was a day of mixed emotions for me. Let's start with the wonderful. The kids got up at their normal time -- 7 AM -- to see what the bunny brought.
Here are a few pictures of that time.

My girls beg for gum often and I'm just not a fan of aspertame so I rarely allow it. The Easter Bunny is good though - he brought gum!

Here is M. showing me her chocolate cross. And this
is L. The Easter Bunny also brought all of the girls a "Little Pet Shop" animal. They love these. The girls also got some headbands, a sucker, some Sunday socks (the bunny always brings something for their Easter outfits), a bookmark and some pencils.

B's basket had lots of fun stuff for a baby. Two onesies, two sippy cups, two really cute "Rock and Roll" pacifiers, a book mark and his fav. food -- Gerber puffs. But his favorite part -- the grass.

Then we got ready to head to church. I just love the kids outfits this year. I'm usually pretty practical about Easter outfits and do not get "Easter themed" things. But I was able to get some great deals and so here we are. But don't think you won't be seeing my kids wear these though September just because they have bunnies and easter eggs on them! The girls outfits are all made by this company.

A's dress has a topiary tree with Easter Eggs hanging off of it. M's outfit has a pink chenille bunny wearing a bow and pearls. And hers has these adorable ruffle capri pants! And L's has a cute, sassy bunny on it. L loves her dress. She loves that her bunny is wearing purple polka dotted boots.

B didn't want me to put him down . This is what he did when I tried to take his picutre. It is SO cute, though! It has an airplane on it and it is dropping easter eggs! ADORABLE!!This wonderful lady made it! She did an absolutely wonderful job. Go check out what she can make for you. AND her prices are very reasonable!
I did try to get a picture of all 4 of them together but since B wasn't wanting his picture made, it just didn't happen.

Now, for the other part of my day. After church, we came home. and ate sandwiches for lunch. That is where my day got a bit sad! As a kid, I always went to church on Easter and then to my Mom's parents house for lunch and do an egg hunt with all my cousins....then we would go to my Dad's parents house for supper and do an egg hunt with those cousins! I was sad that I was missing out on that. The sandwich was not as good as the good food I would've had at home. My mama's potato salad and macaroni and cheese and my Aunt Sharon's sweet tea.....and my granny might have even had some fried apple or blueberry pies.....I missed it!
All in all though it was a great day. The kids got to play outside all afternoon and then that night, since it's spring break and there was no school the next day, we let them stay up and watch "The Sound of Music" -- one of my favs!!!
So, as I said -- it is spring break around here. My girls are headed to their Nana's house today for a few days and then hubs and I (and B) will go down to get them on Friday. Have a great Tuesday ya'll!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

    Still no baby yet!

  2. I'm curious... what are the Resurrection Cookies?
