
Monday, February 2, 2009

MPM- Feb.2, 2009

Hubs and I are doing Financial Peace University at church. While doing our "quickie budget" I saw that our food budget is, ahem, a lot more than I think it should be. Therefore, I spent a LOT of time on Saturday looking for recipes. Recipes that are budget friendly, yet- still healthy.

It proved to be a difficult task. It is really easy to eat on a low budget if you eat lots of pre-packaged, not so good for you kind of foods. It is easy to eat very healthy if you have an unlimited budget.....To accomplish both -- NOT EASY. I spent hours reviewing recipes.....

Here is what I came up with for this week. One thing you will notice is that I've added in breakfast menu's and some lunch menu's also. I'm trying to get my kids to eat something other than poptarts and pb&j everyday.....


breakfast - cereal/cereal bars

lunch - girls will eat at school/ K and I sandwiches/ turkey wraps, fruits and veggies

supper - eating out before PTO program


breakfast - eggs and toast

lunch - turkey wraps, fruit and veggies

supper - Crockpot lasagne, salad


breakfast - cereal (hubs has dentist appt. at 7:30 AM)

lunch - me - out with the girls after community bible study/girls school/K might not be able to eat....

supper - Gathering Meal at church-- I think Lemon Herb Chicken Pasta


lunch - English muffin pizza's and veggies

supper - Chili


breakfast: homemade almond coconut granola

lunch: girls at school/ K and I leftovers

supper: Homemade pizza


breakfast - Blueberry Maple Pancakes

lunch - leftover buffet

supper: Coconut crusted Tilapia, roasted veggies, rice pilaf


breakfast: cereal or poptarts

lunch: sandwiches or leftovers

supper: out to eat

For more great recipes, go on over and visit Laura, here. Have a great Monday everyone.

1 comment:

  1. we've been going through FPU also - and I just want to encourage you that it does get easier to plan frugal yet healthy takes time up front, but as we changed, it became easier to settle into a pattern.
