
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He is NOT your Saviour!!!!

As I sit here thinking about this post, there are so many thoughts running around in my head.

Last week on JMom's blog, I read her eloquent letter to our new president. I thought her letter was well written and very well thought out. I saw where she linked to a website where I could post my own letter to the president. I decided that I didn't want to write a letter. Quite frankly, having just seen the inauguration, I had had my fill of the new "rock star" prez. craze. Not to mention that I didn't want to get into how I didn't vote for him and how I wonder if people took the time to factor in their beliefs -- or what the bible says -- at all before casting their votes. And that really disturbs me so I just decided to let it go.....

As the week continued, though, I began to see how serious this craze seems to be. On Saturday morning I sat listening to the news and heard the new anchor say how everyone had such hope for the future and how everyone was still living on top of the cloud of Obama's election and inauguration.

And my first thought was "OBAMA IS NOT YOUR SAVIOUR!"

He doesn't bring us hope.....Jesus gives us hope. He isn't going to save the world. He is human, he will let everyone down. He can't help it.

I just find it so sad that people are hanging their hopes on this man. I do get the historical significance of this election. I also realize that most of America was tired of our previous administration. But it is also dangerous to hang your hopes on a human being who will inevitable disappoint. I understand that the economy is really bad but lets all just face the facts that the economy is so bad because of the GREED of Americans. Furthermore, the downfall of the economy did not start 8 years ago when Bush was elected, and it isn't magically going to be fixed because Obama was elected.

I also believe that God is sovereign and that HE is in charge. I know that HE expects me to pray for those in leadership. Therefore, I will respect the person who holds the office of president and I will pray for him and his administration. I will pray that they will all turn to God for guidance because he did send us a savior. Jesus came 2000 years ago to save us all. Count on Him not human beings. Jesus is your saviour....Obama is not.

I feel much better now that this is all out there. Have a great Tuesday.


  1. You said it all girl. This letter doesn't necessarily need to go to Obama, but probably to all his followers. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. AMEN! AMEN!

    I actually heard someone on tv say that "He (Obama) will save us!"

    My hope is in the REAL Savior, Jesus Christ! Our God is the great I Am and there is none like Him and none besides Him!

  3. We are living in very scary times. Thankfully our hope is our Savior not a man!!!

  4. I couldn't have said it better. YES! Amen Sister!! I shout out to my computer!

  5. Amen, sister! I have had so many of these very same feelings lately!!

    Never have I ever been so grateful to spend so much time watching Noggin!

  6. Here, Here!! Bravo!! I couldn't have said it better!!

  7. Tad and I are waiting for something magnificent to happen since everyone keeps saying the new pres. is going fix all of our problems and bring world peace. ha.

  8. Glad you feel better. I haven't had enough energy or "want to" to write what I would really like to write. Just the thought of it makes me tired.

    Love your heart, here.


  9. Totally agree! I think a lot of people are setting themself up for some disapointment.

    Your last two paragraphs speak SO much truth!!!!!!!
