
Friday, January 23, 2009

Family Pictures

About a month ago, we had family pictures made. I was worried that we didn't get any good shots, let's be real ---I have 4 children, one of whom was 3 months old. Chances of getting a good shot of all of us, not so good.

BUT - Nikki did a fabulous job. Nikki lives in the Atlanta area and she does beautiful pictures. Here are a few of my favorites.......

me and the hubs...

One of my favorites of B....I love this one of the girls jumping.....

and finally, one of the whole family.

Nikki does wedding and family photographer so if you need a photographer, go here and get in touch with her. Go to her blog now and you can see more of her work.....Now, I gotta go decide how to get all the pictures I want printed out. There are so many I love.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. I love them all - I may want a few so let me know when/how you decide to print them. BTW - check your email about this post. Love you!

  2. Love the pictures. I cannot believe how big B is getting (I'm catching up on posts). He's adorable - all of them are.

  3. These are wonderful!

  4. Good pictures! I'm a little partial to our photog. though :)
    I like the first shot a lot.

  5. Great pictures Mindy---you have a beautiful family!!

  6. Oh....I especially like the one on her (the photographer's) website....tried to see them all and it didn't work. You always do such a good job coordinating everybody's clothes to match---I'm impressed!

  7. Went to her website...was able to view them all. What a beautiful family you have!

