
Monday, September 22, 2008

Things Forgotten and Never to Forget!

Since it has been over three years since I've had a newborn there are many things that I had forgotten about this stage.
There are things I'd forgotten about nursing like how long it takes for it to become not painful for me. Or how long it takes to get on a schedule (we aren't there yet). Or how long it takes for the leaking to stop. Or how sweet it is when B holds my finger or stares into my face while nursing.

There are also some other general things I'd forgotten like how a schedule of any kind is hard to come by. Which has made my house cleaning schedule and my quiet time with God go out the window (any suggestions?). Or how much time just getting everyone ready when you add another person to the mix takes. Yesterday - I had to send the girls to Sunday School and then come home and get B and I ready for church. Or how much stuff it takes to go anywhere. OR how much I just LOVE holding B and cuddling him and rubbing his head -- another reason my housework might not be getting done.

Another thing I'd forgotten was how long it takes to be able to wear my own clothing after babies. 4 weeks out and I cannot get into my own pants so I am wearing what I consider my fat pants which is limited to about 3 pairs......I'm also beginning to wonder if I will get back into my own pants or if this size is where I am stopping..... Time to get back into shape!

These are just some of the things I'd forgotten. Along with these things forgotten, I also have come to some things Never to Forget.
Realizing this is the last baby I will ever have, I don't want to forget any stage of his life. Tomorrow he will be a month old. I CANNOT believe a month has passed already. That has reminded me how much I want to be fully aware and present for whatever stage each of my children is in. I want to take it all in and fully be there and enjoy it all.....even the difficult stages. I never want to forget what blessings children and my husband are from God. For a man who told me before we were married that he only wanted 1 child -- I think he is doing a tremendous job at handling 4. And not only that, he is incredibly helpful and is such a wonderful Daddy to them all. There is no one my girls want to see more than their Daddy each day. And I know B is going to feel the same way soon enough. I know there are many many Daddy's who don't do diapers and baths and take time each day to play and read with their children. God blessed me with one who does and I don't ever want to take that for granted.

It's easy to think of all the things that are difficult right now. I am choosing (most of the time) to remember all the things that I am blessed with right now instead.

Dear Lord,
Help me this day to focus on all the blessings you've given me and not the negative or hard things that are in my life right now. Thank you for my husband - You gave him to me and I am ever so thankful that he is such a wonderful father to our children. Thank you for my three girls and this new baby boy you've given us. Each of them adds to my life and I know that they are all gifts from you. Help me never, ever to forget these things Lord. Amen

Ya'll have a great Monday.


  1. You are doing the right thing -- giving thanks in all things. If we can just remember to do that, especially in the difficult times, we will find the "load" to be much lighter. Thankfulness lifts our spirits!
