
Thursday, June 28, 2012


As I sit here this morning drinking my coffee and watching the last 15 minutes of Anne Curry's stay on the Today Show {which I AM NOT happy about} before I start another whirlwind day of packing this house, I'm reminded once again of the word that the Lord has been quietly whispering to me for months now.
That word is intentional.

I need to be more intentional in all areas of my life.

.....In loving my husband, my daughters, my son, my friends, our church and every person I meet.
.....In being WHO God's called me to be.
.....In studying HIS Word.
.....In prayer and quiet times.
.....In reading His Word.
....In parenting.
.....In being the wife God calls me to be.
.....In  simply enjoying each moment of life God has given me.
....In the words I speak and the thoughts I think.
.....and many, many other ways I haven't even thought of yet, I'm sure.

As I go back to my packing, I've got lots to ponder on and talk to God about in being intentional.  We have 2 more packing days before I take my children to stay with friends in Charlotte.  We have a couple of fun things happening this weekend and then comes the big days.  Monday will be filled with loading trucks and cleaning,cleaning, cleaning.  Tuesday we roll out of here to our new home before noon.

I'm not sure how  much blogging I will get done between now and whenever we get settled. But, hopefully I can do a post or two .......
So, until then, I will be pondering on being intentional and listening to what God wants to say to me about exactly that.  And I will be doing my best to be intentional in doing all I said above as I go.  Especially in the few short days we have left here in Sylva, NC.

What's God speaking to you about? What are you pondering on?

in HIM-


  1. Hi Mindy...I am "intentionally" writing this to cheer you on...and hopefully to encourage you about your move that is coming up. (:>)

    Bless your heart...I know it is hard to pull up roots and move on to a new place, only to have to do it again in just a few years.

    BUT GOD...He has a purpose and a plan for you and for your family...and for the people at the church that your husband will pastor! He will work it all out for your good and His glory! I am certain of that!

    You are beautiful..your kids are beautiful...and even your hubby is...beautiful, because so much of the beauty comes from Christ who is living inside of you!

    I pray for your safety in your move...and for the adjustment to go well. I pray that you will see many evidences of the ways that God is working it all out for you.

    As long as you all have each other and Christ, you have all that you need. BUT GOD...He will give you above all that you can ask or think! He is just awesome like that. He will meet your needs and supply your they line up with His will.

    You follow my daughter Lynnette Krafts blog, so you probably know that she and her family are moving too. She has a contract on the house now...and so they will be moving to Kansas City before too long.

    I know God has plans for them too...and I (Mom/Grams) is ok with it all...even though I will miss them greatly. It is just a few hours away, and we will go to visit, so it will be ok.

    I pray blessings abundant on you and yours Mindy! And I am excited to see how He will work in your lives.

    Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. Ha! I *is* ok with it all? Ha! I *am* ok with it all! Silly me! I just now read my comment back and saw that I wrote it wrong. (:>) But I know you knew what I meant! <3
