
Monday, October 24, 2011

It's That Time Again (with a giveaway!)

 Have you started thinking about your Christmas cards yet?
I know, I know -- you are thinking that it isn't even Halloween yet, and why are we forgetting about Thanksgiving?
Well, I promise that I'm not forgetting anything, but if you plan to order Christmas Cards with your picture on them, it really is time to start thinking about that now.  

I was so excited a couple of weeks ago, when Shutterfly contacted me and offered to give me 50 free cards if I would sign up to be a part of their 2011 Holiday Promotion.
Seriously, I had just said to hubs that I had used up my stash of Christmas Cards that I have been using for the past couple of years and I thought I would go back to a card that has our picture on the card.  The next day, I received the email from Shutterfly.  It was totally meant to be!  

So, I immediately began looking at the cards that I could choose from.
And seriously, there are soooooo many awesome choices.  

There are classic greeting cards that you can put your picture on, as well as the photo paper cards, My favorites, though, are the stationary cards.  I love all things stationary, so being able to add a photo of our family to a stationary card is right up my alley.

The trouble I'm having is picking which card.....
I big puffy heart all of these.  

I am having the awfullest time deciding and would love your help!!
Leave me a comment here on this post letting me know which one you think I choose and I will enter you in to win. 

Win what, you ask?
Well, you can win 25 free holiday cards of your very own!!!
Shutterfly has offered to give THREE of you this incredible deal!

Go check them out -- as you can tell {since I cannot make up my mind} the 2011 Holiday Collection at Shutterfly is AWESOME!!!

While you are there, be sure and check out the other gifts that you can put your photo on!  They have great things to give -- especially to those grandparents, aunts and uncles out there!!!

Lastly, are you a blogger who wants to get 50 free Holiday cards of your own?  

Alrighty, that's it!  Don't forget to leave me a comment telling me which stationary Christmas Card I should choose and you will be entered to win 25 free cards of your own!  This is fantastic deal, you don't want to miss out!  

I will end this contest on Monday, October 31, 2011 at 11:59 PM.  
So, comment quickly.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 1, 2011!

Look forward to hearing from you all!

in HIM-


  1. I say "Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men" one. Family photo and one of each of the children!! that's my vote.

  2. I like the "Rejoice" one best, though all of them are awesome! Gonna click over and see what else Shutterfly offers. Never used them before but would love to have some beautiful Christmas cards this year!
    (BTW...found your blog via your comment on the L&LI Facebook page)

  3. I love the "We are Blessed" but there are sooooo many that I love.
