It's been another busy, and regular week here at Casa Curtis.
Here are some snippets from our week.....
9.25.11 - pictures from Sunday.
Too busy with all the normal things.....
9.26.11 - Monday....Monday afternoon, our friend, Jasper came to visit and so we spent a good deal of time outside.
Here is Miss Lille after doing a flip in the yard....
9.27.11 - Tuesday....I picked up Brady's Halloween Costume
Guess whose being Spidey?!?!
9.28.11 - Wednesday.... On Wednesday afternoon, our friend, Miss O's Mom had a meeting at church. So, she came and hung out with us for a bit.
She and Brady and just sweet!
9.29.11 - Thursday..... Thursday was a pretty normal Thursday. The girls had a soccer game and soccer practice so it was a busy evening.
I snapped this picture of a Shasta Daisy in my yard.
As summer is fading, I love seeing summer's last blooms.
9.30.11 - Friday.... On Friday night, hubs and I went to a local B&B for a dinner date.
It was a beautiful old Inn. This was the view from my seat.
I just love old houses and old furniture!
10.1.11 - Saturday.... Saturday brought a soccer game and Impact Day with our church. BUSY.....
I bought this awesome sign. I adore it! I was planning to put it on my front door, but since the door is a shade of tan, it kind of blends in. Not sure where to put it now......suggestions?!?
That's what we've been up to this week!
What have you been up to?
in HIM-
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