3.15.11 - Sunday.... I got no pictures, again. I hate that I didn't though because it was a big day. My sweet friend, Jenny, got baptised in church on Sunday. It was an incredibly sweet, blessed time. And my friend, Kellie, came from 2 hours away to be there with us. It was awesome! It was a super busy crazy day. Crazier than Sunday's tend to be. Because after church, Ken had a meeting to attend so the three kids I had at home drove to Morganton to meet my in-laws to pick up Maggie who had spent the weekend with them. We drove directly back and it was time for bible study. whew....
3.16.11 - Monday...this was after bathtime on Monday but before bedtime.
He asked to have his picture taken.
3.17.11 - Tuesday...On Tuesday, Brady and I went to the Just Ducky Warehouse Sale and scored some great deals!! We came home and I noticed as soon as I got him out of the car that he was running a fever. I had to leave him with his Daddy though and take Allie to a dr. appointment. Then it was time for supper and I spent the evening sitting and holding a sick baby boy. No pictures on Tuesday....
3.18.11 - Wednesday... I ended up taking Brady to the doctor. Luckily, we had no strep throat {my fear} , nor did we have the flu. Just a virus. He ran a fever for a few days. This is again, before bedtime....it's where he chose to sit to brush his teeth. He apparently was the only kid who was available to have pictures made this week....
3.19.11 - Thursday... Thankfully, Brady was much better by Thursday. We had to take Maggie to her cheer practice and the kids played on the playground for a bit after practice....
3.20.11 - Friday... was the beginning of our churches annual "Camp Patton Springs". Allie and Maggie are old enough that they got to go as campers. Ken and I were going to help for Friday night and Saturday, and so Lillie and Brady were going with us. I packed us all up to go to camp and then left after lunch to go set up. Ken brought the kids later in the day.
This is our friend Emily.
She was leaving for the whole summer on Saturday. This is her sad face that she was going.
3.21.11 - Saturday.... We were still at camp. I hope to do a whole post on CPS 2011 tomorrow so I will just share this picture from that day.
This is my sweet boy being silly with the stickers Ms. Kim gave him.
We had a busy, but fun week and are beginning another busy week.
What have you been up to?
in HIM-
What a fun time to be able to go to a camp...I remember summer camps as a kid. My parents just dropped me off though. Love the toilet picture. He is so cute just sitting up there. Glad it wasn't strep.